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单词 romance
释义 Word family  noun romance romantic romanticism adjective romantic ≠ unromantic romanticized verb romance romanticize adverb romantically  Related topics: Literaturero·mance1 /rəʊˈmæns, ˈrəʊmæns $ roʊˈmæns, ˈroʊ-/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable]RELATIONSHIPLOVE an exciting and often short relationship between two people who love each other 罗曼史,风流韵事 → affairromance with Hemingway’s romance with his nurse inspired him to write ‘A Farewell to Arms’. 海明威和他护士之间的罗曼史赋予他灵感写出《永别了,武器》。 Michelle married him after a whirlwind romance (=one that happens very suddenly and quickly). 经过一场旋风式的恋爱,米歇尔嫁给了他。holiday romance British English, summer romance American English (=one that happens during a holiday) 假日罗曼史;夏日罗曼史 a short holiday romance 短暂的假日罗曼史2  [uncountable]LOVE love, or a feeling of being in love 爱情;恋爱 The romance had gone out of their relationship. 他们之间已经没有了爱意。3  [uncountable]EXCITED the feeling of excitement and adventure that is related to a particular place, activity etc 传奇色彩,浪漫情调romance of the romance of Hollywood 好莱坞的传奇色彩4  [countable]AL a story about the love between two people 爱情故事 romance novels 言情小说5  [countable]AL a story that has brave characters and exciting events 传奇故事 a Medieval romance 中世纪的传奇故事Examples from the Corpusromance• Evening is a good time for friendships and romance, but do not be too intense.• Most married women surveyed said they were not victims of love at first sight and not moved to marriage by romance.• The connection between ancient houses and mysteries of a shameful kind has its origin in Gothic romance.• Some viewers objected to the interracial romance the show portrays.• Invariably, romances form aboard the plane.• My romance with Lois did not survive our high school graduation.• In the other local superstores, people have only one thing on their minds, but it is not romance.• When I heard the word goons, it became no longer a matter of romance but a war of wills.• It was a beautiful summer romance, but they knew it couldn't last.• As the romance proceeded, she became restless.• The romance of the movies was to a significant degree an entrepreneurial romance.• the romance of life in the Wild West• Richard and Penny had made no great secret of their romance, even though they were both married.summer romance• It was just a summer romance.• Isabelle Pech pursued Richard Burley to Britain after he suddenly broke off their summer romance and disappeared.romance2 verb  1  PERFECT[intransitive] to describe things that have happened in a way that makes them seem more important, interesting etc than they really were 夸张,渲染romance about an old man romancing about the past 天花乱坠地大谈往事的老人2. [transitive] old-fashioned to try to persuade someone to love you 向…求爱,追求〔某人〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusromance• The experts seem to be romancing about figments of their imagination; he can see nothing that they are talking about.Origin romance1 (1200-1300) Old French romans “French, something written in French”, from Latin romanicus “Roman”ro·mance1 nounromance2 verbChineseSyllable  short relationship and exciting an Corpus between often




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