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单词 spent
释义  spent1 /spent/  x-refthe past tense and past participle of spend / spend 的过去式和过去分词spent2 adjective  1  USE somethingalready used, and now empty or useless 用完的;失效的 He tried to eject the spent cartridge and reload. 他想弹出空弹夹,重新装子弹。 spent matches 用过的火柴2  a spent force FAILif a political idea or organization is a spent force, it no longer has any power or influence 不再有影响力的思想;已经失势的集团5By the 1930s, the party was largely a spent force.到20世纪30年代,该党派基本上成了一股没落的力量。n Socialism had become a spent political force.3. literaryTIRED extremely tired 精疲力竭的Examples from the Corpusspent• Couldn't tell unless I went back to look for spent arrows, which I wasn't going to do.• Spent bullet shells littered the ground.• Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons.• The general opinion was that it had fizzled out; like a spent squib, it hadn't even given one burst.spent1spent2 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  the tense past participle and of Corpus past




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