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单词 special delivery
释义  Related topics: Mailˌspecial deˈlivery noun [countable, uncountable]  TCMa service that delivers a letter or package very quickly 〔邮件的〕特快专递,限时专送Examples from the Corpusspecial delivery• Many shops and stores have a special delivery area, usually at the rear of the store.• Perhaps the birds are no more sinister than storks with a special delivery.• A brown paper parcel arrived by special delivery.• Think instead of five hundred pounds - in cash - sent to you by special delivery every week.• And that followed his special delivery at White Hart Lane last month, when he netted twice in a 2-0 Coventry win.From Longman Business Dictionaryspecial deliveryˌspecial deˈlivery [countable, uncountable] a service that delivers a letter or package very quicklyI’d like to send these letters special delivery. → deliveryˌspecial deˈlivery nounChineseSyllable   Corpus delivers letter quickly a or service a package that very Business




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