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单词 speak
释义 Word family  noun speaker speech adjective unspeakable speechless outspoken spoken ≠ unspoken verb speak adverb unspeakably  Related topics: Languagesspeak /spiːk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense spoke /spəʊk $ spoʊk/, past participle spoken /ˈspəʊkən $ ˈspoʊ-/)  1  in conversation 在会话中 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]SPEAK A LANGUAGE to talk to someone about something 谈话,交谈speak to somebody I spoke to her last Wednesday. 上星期三我和她谈过了。 ‘Hello, may I speak to Jim Smith?’ ‘Yes, speaking (=used on the telephone)’. “喂,请让吉姆·史密斯听电话好吗?”“对,我就是。” I know her by sight, but not to speak to (=not well enough to talk to her). 我只是认得她,但没跟她说过话。speak to somebody about something I haven’t spoken to Steve about all this. 我还没跟史蒂夫谈过这一切。speak with somebody especially American English They did not want to speak with reporters. 他们不想和记者说话。speak of something It was the first time she had ever spoken of marriage. 那是她头一次谈及婚姻。► see thesaurus at talk2  say words 说话 [intransitive]TALK TO somebody to use your voice to produce words 说话,讲话 I was so shocked I couldn’t speak. 我震惊得说不出话来。 He spoke very softly (=quietly). 他说话声音非常轻柔。3  language 语言 [transitive not in progressive]SLLSPEAK A LANGUAGE to be able to talk in a particular language 会说,会讲〔某种语言〕 Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? I don’t speak a word of French (=do not speak any French at all). 我一句法语也不会说。can/can’t speak something Several children in the class can’t speak English. 班上有几个小孩不会讲英语。French-speaking/Italian-speaking etc a German-speaking secretary 会说德语的秘书4  formal speech 正式演讲 [intransitive]TALK/MAKE A SPEECH to make a formal speech 演说,演讲;发言speak at Jones spoke at the teachers’ annual convention. 琼斯在教师年会上发言。speak to She asked me to speak to her students about my work in marketing. 她请我给她的学生讲讲我的市场营销工作。speak in favour of/against Only one MP spoke against the bill. 只有一位议员发言反对那项议案。 → speaker(1)5  express ideas/opinions 表达想法/意见 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]SAYHONEST to say something that expresses your ideas or opinions 表达,表明〔观点或意见〕speak as a parent/teacher/democrat etc He emphasized that he was speaking as a private citizen, not in any official capacity. 他强调,他是以公民身份,而不是以任何官方的身份在说话。speak well/highly/ill of somebody (=say good or bad things about someone) 说某人的好话/对某人评价很高/说某人的坏话 Her co-workers spoke highly of her. 她的同事对她评价很高。 It’s wrong to speak ill of the dead. 说死者的坏话是不对的。strictly/generally/roughly speaking (=used when expressing an idea that you think is exactly true, generally true etc) 严格说来/一般说来/大致上说 Strictly speaking, it’s my money, not yours. I earned it. 严格说来,这是我的钱,不是你的。 是我挣来的。6  so to speak used when you are saying something in words that do not have their usual meaning 可以说〔用于所说的话不是平常的意思时〕 We have to pull down the barriers, so to speak, of poverty. 可以说,我们必须摧毁贫困的障碍。7  speak your mind to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them 说出心里话,直抒己见 He was a tough politician who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. 他是一个态度强硬、敢于直言的政治家。8  be not speaking/not be on speaking terms TALK TO somebodyif two people are not speaking, they do not talk to each other, usually because they have argued 彼此不说话,互不理睬〔一般因为吵过架〕 He was not on speaking terms with his brother or sisters. 他和兄弟姐妹互不说话。9  speak volumes (about/for something) EXPRESSif something speaks volumes, it clearly shows the nature of something or the feelings of a person 充分证明,清楚表明(某事) What you wear speaks volumes about you. 衣着显示你的内心。10  speak with one voice if a group of people speak with one voice, they all express the same opinion 众口一词,异口同声 On this issue, the 12 organizations spoke with one voice. 在这个问题上,这十二个组织的意见完全一致。11. speak the same language if two people or groups speak the same language, they have similar attitudes and opinions 有共同语言〔表示两个人或团体的态度意见相近〕12. speak out of turn SAYto say something when you do not have the right or authority to say it 说话鲁莽,讲话不合身份 → actions speak louder than words at action1(13), → the facts speak for themselves at fact(8), → in a manner of speaking at manner(5)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 5: to say something that expresses your ideas or opinionsadverbsspeak well/highly of somebody (=say good things about them)He always spoke very highly of Marge.speak ill of somebody (=say bad things about them)She never speaks ill of him.speaking personallySpeaking personally, yes, this is a worry.strictly speakingStrictly speaking, the tomato is a fruit.generally speakingGenerally speaking, the results have been good.roughly/broadly speakingThese innovations are, roughly speaking, what this book is about.relatively speakingRelatively speaking, property there is still cheap.phrasesspeak as a parent/teacher etcSpeaking as a medical man, I'd advise you to take some exercise every day. THESAURUSto speak a language 说一种语言speak to be able to talk in a foreign language 说〔外语〕Do you speak German? 你会说德语吗?I learnt Spanish for years, but I still don’t speak it very well. 我西班牙语学了好多年,可是仍旧不是说得很好。be fluent in something to be very good at speaking and understanding a foreign language, so that you can speak it almost as well as your own language 外语说得流利Applicants should be fluent in Cantonese. 求职者应该会说流利的粤语。get by to speak enough of a language to be able to buy things, ask for help etc 〔用外语〕能够应付〔购物、求助等〕‘What’s your Italian like?’ ‘Not great, but I can get by.’ “你的意大利语怎么样?”“不是很好,但能应付。”I’ve just bought a book called ‘Get by in Portuguese'. 我刚买了一本《葡萄牙语点点通》。have/pick up a smattering of something to speak or learn to speak a small but useful amount of a language 学了一点…While I was in Bali, I picked up a smattering of Indonesian. 我在巴厘岛的时候学了点印度尼西亚语。 PHRASAL VERBS13 speak for phrasal verb a) REPRESENT speak for somebody/something to express the feelings, thoughts, or beliefs of a person or group of people 代表…讲话[发言] Dan, speaking for the students, started the meeting. 学生代表丹宣布会议开始。b) speak for yourself spokenSAY/STATE used to tell someone that you do not have the same opinion as they do, or that something that is true for them is not true for you 你只代表你自己说话,那是你的看法〔用于表示不同意对方的意见〕 ‘We don’t want to go.’ ‘Speak for yourself!’ “我们不想去。” “你是说你自己吧!”c) be spoken forOWN if something or someone is spoken for, they have already been promised to someone else 已被预订;被应许给别人 They’re all either married or spoken for. 他们都要么结婚了,要么有对象了。d) speak for itself/themselvesOBVIOUS to show something very clearly 不言而喻,不辩自明 The results speak for themselves. 结果不言自明。14 speak of something phrasal verb a) ALSHOW/BE A SIGN OF literary to show clearly that something happened or exists 表明,说明 Her skin spoke of warm summer days spent in the sun. 她的皮肤表明她是在太阳下度过了温暖的夏日。b) no ... to speak of (also none/nothing to speak of)LITTLE/NOT MUCH very little of something or a very small thing 很少;不值一提 There’s been no rain to speak of for several months. 好几个月都没怎么下过雨。 The house had no garden to speak of. 这栋房子没有像样的花园。15 speak out phrasal verb PROTESTto publicly speak in protest about something, especially when protesting could be dangerous 〔尤指不顾危险〕公开反对,挺身抗议 about/against Five students who had spoken out against the regime were arrested. 公开反对该政权的五名学生遭逮捕。16 speak to somebody/something phrasal verb a) TALK TO somebodyto talk to someone who has done something wrong and tell them not to do it again 当面提醒,责备,告诫 Joe was late again today. You’ll have to speak to him. 乔今天又迟到了,你得说说他。b) if something such as a poem, painting, or piece of music speaks to you, you like it because it expresses a particular meaning, quality, or feeling to you 对…有感染力;对…有吸引力 Modern art just doesn’t speak to me. 现代艺术实在引不起我的共鸣。nc) to show that a situation exists or something is true This situation speaks to a need for a better tax system. The party's success speaks to the fact that many people in the US want change.nd) to talk or write about something, especially something that needs discussing or dealing with I am qualified to speak to this issue.17 speak up phrasal verb a) SPEAK A LANGUAGEused to ask someone to speak louder 大声点说,提高嗓门说〔用于要求别人〕 Could you speak up, please? 请你大声点说,好吗?b) SAY/STATEto say something, especially to express your opinion 说话〔尤指发表意见〕 There was a brief silence, then Gerald spoke up. 一阵短暂的沉默之后杰拉尔德发话了。c) speak up for somebodySUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN to speak in support of someone 替某人说话,支持某人 He is willing to speak up for the rights of women. 他愿意为妇女权利辩护。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusspeak• She was too nervous to speak.• Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking.• How old are babies when they learn to speak?• He doesn't speak a word of French.• Is there anyone here who can speak Arabic?• Ambassador Simons has been asked to speak at the dinner.• I've been invited to speak at the party's annual convention.• Who are they getting to speak at this year's graduation ceremony?• Why do people not just speak directly and say what they mean?• At the convention Ford spoke on immigration and social issues.• The brothers haven't spoken since the funeral.• Nadia speaks six languages.• Elaine speaks Spanish and Russian.• Sean didn't speak the whole time we were in the car.• I spoke to a few people at the party who knew him.• Speaking to Congress, the President appealed for cooperation in dealing with the sagging economy.• The shamans explain that, at that point, they begin to speak to the dolphins mind to mind.• People we spoke to were undecided.• There's a man from the Times on the phone who wants to speak to you.• Can you speak up? -- I can't hear you.• She mumbled something and Dove asked her to speak up.• Don said he would be, but to please wait until after the Super Bowl to speak with him.• I had spoken with other newspaper executives, too, on that day.• When both parties cease to speak you have hit deadlock - wrong!speak of something• None of us ever heard her speak of the war again.speak in favour of/against• A forceful moderate, he electrified his colleagues by speaking in favour of collegiality, the Vatican s codeword for internal democracy.strictly/generally/roughly speaking• Neither the input nor the output of a Turing machine can, strictly speaking, be an infinite decimal.• Not strictly speaking, because the wedding was in a register office, and you don't have a best man.• It is, strictly speaking, conferred by the Constitution.• His point, strictly speaking, is correct.• By s.4 land generally speaking is not property which can be stolen.• Thus the importance of coinage for our understanding of the past diminishes, generally speaking, the more up to date we come.• Progress would enhance the wealth of those who, generally speaking, were already rich but not that of the masses.• If you use straw as bedding for farm animals, generally speaking you improve the welfare of those animals.Related topics: Languages-speak /spiːk/ suffix [in nouns]  1 SLLthe special language or difficult words that are used in a particular business or activity 行话;…术语;…语言 computerspeak 计算机术语From Longman Business Dictionary-speak-speak /spiːk/ suffix added to other words to form nouns that mean the special language of a particular business or activity, especially slang or technical words that are difficult for ordinary people to understandI can’t understand this speak Old English sprecan, specanspeak verb →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1-speak suffixLDOCE OnlineChinese  to Corpus talk something Business someone to about




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