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单词 sparrow
释义  Related topics: Birdsspar·row /ˈspærəʊ $ -roʊ/ noun [countable]  HBBa small brown bird, very common in many parts of the world 麻雀Examples from the Corpussparrow• He seemed more alert than a cat after a sparrow.• A curious sparrow follows them, mixing its ries with theirs.• Caged females are attacked by mated female sparrows.• Other small birds like the house sparrow can follow a similar format but have squarer crowns to the head.• As she set down her cup, startling the sparrows, she thought she might even pack his belongings.• The myrtle was her tree; the dove her bird-sometimes, too, the sparrow and the swan.• The sparrows once more take possession of the street.• And ivy is where sparrows like to nest most of all.Origin sparrow Old English spearwaspar·row nounChineseSyllable  brown Corpus very many in small of parts bird, a common




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