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单词 spade
释义  Related topics: Gardening, Cardsspade /speɪd/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. DLGa tool for digging that has a long handle and a broad metal blade that you push into the ground 铲,铁锹 → shovel →4  See picture of 见图 GARDENING →5 see picture at 见图 garden2  (also spades [plural])DGC a playing card belonging to the set of cards that have one or more black shapes that look like pointed leaves printed on them 〔纸牌中的〕黑桃 the queen of spades 黑桃王后3. call a spade a spade to speak about things in a direct and honest way, even though it may be impolite to do this 有一说一,直言不讳4  in spades LOT/VERY MUCHto a great degree, or in large amounts 非常,极其;大量 Beauty, intelligence, wealth – my mother had all of them in spades. 美貌、智慧、财富——这些在我母亲身上都有很好的体现。5. [countable] taboo old-fashionedSANINSULT a very offensive word for a black person. Do not use this word. 黑鬼Examples from the Corpusspade• And it's no use calling a spade an effing shovel, when saying spade would have been far more effective.• A spade lay half-buried in mud.• The woman stuck her spade in the ground.• Beyond the stables the monotonous sound of Varro's spade went on and on.• The three spades needed when ferreting: the Norfolk long spade, the graft, and the filling-in spade.• I thought the going would be easy after penetrating the surface layers of soil and roots with spade and ax.Origin spade 1. Old English spadu2. (1500-1600) Italian spada or Spanish espada “broad sword” (used as a mark on cards), from Latin spatha; → SPATULAspade nounChinese  that has for digging a long tool Corpus a




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