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单词 source
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Geographysource1 /sɔːs $ sɔːrs/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun [countable]  1  COME FROM/ORIGINATEa thing, place, activity etc that you get something from 来源,出处 They get their money from various sources. 他们从各种途径弄到钱。source of Beans are a very good source of protein. 豆类是很好的蛋白质来源。 For me, music is a great source of enjoyment. 对我来说,音乐是快乐的重要源泉。at source British English Is your pension taxed at source (=before it is paid to you)? 你的养老金是发放时扣税吗?2  CAUSEthe cause of something, especially a problem, or the place where it starts 〔某事,尤指问题的〕原因,根源,起源source of We’ve found the source of the trouble. 我们已找出故障的原因。 The recent name change has been the source of some confusion. 最近的更名造成了一些混乱。3  TCNINFORMATIONa person, book, or document that supplies you with information 提供消息者;资料来源 List all your sources at the end of your essay. 在论文末尾列出你所有资料的出处。 I’ve heard from reliable sources that the company is in trouble. 我从可靠的消息来源获知,那家公司遇上了麻烦。4. SGthe place where a stream or river starts 〔溪流的〕发源地,源头 → mouth5. technical source code 源(代)码 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + sourcea good/excellent/rich source (=a source that provides a lot of something) 很好的/丰富的来源Milk is a good source of calcium. 牛奶是很好的钙质来源。a useful source 有用的来源People said television was their most useful source of local information. 人们说,电视是他们获取当地信息最有用的来源。a major/important source 重要来源The lead mines were once a major source of employment for the islanders. 这些铅矿一度是岛上居民重要的就业来源。a great source 极大的来源In times of stress, food can be a great source of comfort. 在有压力的时候,食物可以成为极大的安慰。the main/primary source 主要来源It started as a hobby, but now it is his main source of income. 开始那是个爱好,但现在是他主要的收入来源。an alternative source 其他的来源The university is exploring alternative funding sources. 学校正在寻求其他的经费来源。an energy source 能量来源We hope to see increased usage of renewable energy sources. 我们期望看到对再生能源更多的利用。a food source 食物来源nSlugs attack potatoes in late summer, when other food sources are disappearing.a power source (=something that produces power) 动力来源nFirst, you need to turn off the power source.a light source (=something that produces light) 光源nThe statue is illuminated by a hidden light source.Examples from the Corpussource• Take action immediately to rectify the problem at source.• Most Americans rely on television as their chief source of information.• The money comes from countless sources.• The sun is perhaps the least expensive energy source we have.• These discouraging factors combine to compel a search for cheaper and environmentally safer energy sources.• Beans and lentils are a very good source of protein.• In the case of an electric shock, turn the power off at its source.• Our source informed us that there was a possibility of another attack the following week, possibly in the central London area.• This is the largest recorded source of radioactive effluent in the world.• The tank's losing water, but we can't find the source of the leak.• Some Christians would say the Gospel is not the source or proof of what happened.• When they visited the Pipers' home they recognized the source of John's description in every detail.• The close correlation between the data obtained from these two sources suggests that recall error is unlikely to be a confounding factor.• The sound came from an unknown source, far away in the distance.• All of your sources have to be listed at the end of the paper.source of• Richard's learning disability was a source of embarrassment for him.• Milk is a very good source of calcium.• Money is often a major source of tension for married couples.• Her waitress job is the family's only source of income.reliable sources• There are few available and reliable sources.source2 AWL verb [transitive] technical  1  if goods are sourced from a particular place, they are obtained from that place 从…获得;来自…source from Fish for the restaurant is sourced daily from British ports. 这家餐馆的鱼是每天从英国的港口运来的。 locally sourced milk 产自本地的牛奶2  FIND OUTto find out where something can be obtained 找出…的来源;找…的货源 We might be able to source the parts. 也许我们能找出哪里可以买到这些零部件。→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarysourcesource1 /sɔːssɔːrs/ noun1[countable, uncountable] a thing, place, activity etc that you get something fromThey get their money from various sources.source ofTourism in the area is a slowly-growing source of revenue, helped by the development of air transport networks.2[countable] the cause of something, especially a problem, or the place where it startssource ofThe cuts are a source of concern to all of us.The source of the problem is the inferior quality of our labour supply.3[countable] a person, book, document etc that supplies you with informationIndustry sources say that Chrysler is planning to increase production.At the end of your dissertation, please list your sources, including websites.4at sourceTAX if tax is taken off your income at source, it is taken before you get any incomeTax deducted at source from certain investment income is reclaimable by non-taxpayers.sourcesource2 verb [transitive] if a company sources materials, parts etc from a particular place, it obtains them from thereComponents will be sourced from Polish producers. → see also outsource —sourcing noun [uncountable]Local sourcing would be cheaper than importing parts.→ See Verb tableOrigin source1 (1300-1400) Old French sourse, from sourdre “to rise, spring out”, from Latin surgere; → SURGE1source1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1source2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  place, activity etc get Corpus you that thing, Business a




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