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单词 someday
释义  some·day, some day /ˈsʌmdeɪ/ ●●○ adverb  FUTUREat an unknown time in the future, especially a long time in the future 将来会有一天,有朝一日 I’d like to visit Japan someday. 我想将来有一天去日本。 He hopes, someday, to have his own business. 他希望有一天能够拥有自己的公司。Examples from the Corpussomeday• She was pretending she would be all right someday.• Mom also feels spurred on by the thought that someday Charlie will become aware of her career.• We always knew that it would eventually happen, the Yankees losing another game someday in the World Series.• Maybe someday our grandchildren will want to read these magazines.• She thought that someday she would settle down.• He asked himself how he'd feel if he found out someday that Emilio had kept his vow, always and for ever.• We hold on to stuff because we're afraid someday the money will run out.• Maybe someday, who knows, it may be interesting.some·day adverbChineseSyllable  time unknown in a long future, at the especially an Corpus




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