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单词 racy
释义  rac·y /ˈreɪsi/ adjective  EXCITEDracy writing is exciting and entertaining and often about sex 〔文章〕刺激的〔常涉及性内容〕 a racy novel 刺激的小说Examples from the Corpusracy• It's certainly not for the prissy of nature but then the original novel was also considered at the time rather racy.• Give the media and the public something racy and mysterious and it will sell.• The film is about only a very brief sojourn in Gauguin's otherwise racy biography.• Something racy is just around the corner.• A rather racy novel, if the cover was anything to go by.• The restraint of her expression belies the worldly rush of her life in New York and her racy reputation.• Pretty racy stuff for the era.• a racy underwear adOrigin racy (1600-1700) race “particular taste” ((16-19 centuries))rac·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  is exciting often writing entertaining and and racy Corpus




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