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单词 soften
释义 Word family  noun softness softener softie/softy adjective soft verb soften adverb softly  soft·en /ˈsɒfən $ ˈsɒː-/ ●●○ verb  1  SOFT[intransitive, transitive] (also soften up) to become less hard or rough, or make something less hard or rough (使)变软,(使)变柔滑,(使)变轻柔 OPP harden Use moisturizer to soften your skin. 使用润肤霜让你的肌肤变柔滑。 Cook until the onion softens. 把洋葱煮到变软。2  STRICT[intransitive, transitive] if your attitude softens, or if something softens it, it becomes less strict and more sympathetic (使)〔态度等〕软化,(使)变温和 OPP harden The government has softened its stance on public spending. 政府对公共开支问题的态度软化了。soften towards I felt that he was beginning to soften towards me. 我感觉到他开始对我变温和了。3  [intransitive, transitive] to make the effect of something seem less unpleasant or severe, or to become less unpleasant or severe (使)〔影响〕变柔和,(使)变缓和soften the blow/impact The impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances. 这个税项的影响因为免税额大而得到了缓和。4  KIND[intransitive, transitive] if your expression or voice softens, or if something softens it, you look or sound kinder and more gentle (使)〔表情或声音〕变温 和,(使)变柔和 OPP harden His voice softened as he spoke to her. 他对她说话时声音变温和了。5  [transitive] to make the shape or colour of something look less severe 使〔形状或颜色〕变柔和 Climbing plants soften the outline of a fence. 攀缘植物可以使围栏的轮廓变得柔和。6 soften somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) informalPERSUADE to be nice to someone before you ask them to do something, so that they will agree to help you 使…心软,打动 She was just softening me up. 她就是要叫我心软。b) PMto make an enemy weaker so that they are easier to attack 削弱〔敌人以便进攻〕 Use artillery to soften up the enemy forces. 用大炮来削弱敌军。c) to make something less hard or rough 使变软,使软化→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussoften• Leave the butter at room temperature to soften.• Soak the raisins in warm water till they soften.• Add the shallots and cook until softened, about 1 minute.• This is why the method is often applied to soften and diffuse distant objects or hills, as in atmospheric perspective.• Choose a good moisturizer to soften and protect your skin.• The ice must be softening, and the ice fishing is close to the end.• It's a disease that softens and then destroys the bones.• The weather was perfect all the while we were there, the evenings very lovely, moonlight softened by fog.• He would not soften his uncompromising terms.• The government seems to have softened its attitude towards single parents.• Then you can soften the geometric shapes a bit.• Use the brush to soften the outline, then pencil over lips before applying lipstick.• Republicans agreed to soften their projected cuts in welfare spending.• Lawmakers have softened their stance on immigration in recent months.• The inspector looked angry but then softened when he saw the boy's frightened expression.soften the blow/impact• Factories had closed, and thousands were out of work, without unemployment insurance to soften the blow.• Help, or soften the blow.?• Or will motherhood soften the blow?• Deaver began suggesting ways to soften the impact by adding new events to the itinerary that might placate the opposition.• But you can soften the blow by telling his Dad that none of the other dads can do it either.• Try starting with a pat on the back to soften the blow of criticism.• The leader acts with greater sensitivity to soften the impact of downward power.• The Chancellor's flexibility to reduce interest rates much further, to soften the blow of tax increases, looks limited.soft·en verbChineseSyllable  or rough, to or less hard Corpus become




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