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单词 social
释义 Word family  noun society sociologist sociology sociability social socialism socialist socialite socialization sociopath adjective sociable ≠ unsociable social ≠ anti-social unsocial socialist socialistic societal sociological sociopathic verb socialize adverb socially sociably sociologically  Related topics: Sociology, Animalsso·cial1 /ˈsəʊʃəl $ ˈsoʊ-/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  society 社会SSSOCIETY relating to human society and its organization, or the quality of people’s lives 社会的,有关社会的 social issues, such as unemployment and education 失业和教育之类的社会问题 the country’s serious social problems 该国严重的社会问题 a challenge to the social order (=how a particular society is organized) 对社会秩序的一个挑战2  rank 地位SSCLASS IN SOCIETY relating to your position in society, according to your job, family, wealth etc 社会地位的,社会阶层的 The students come from a variety of social classes (=groups of people that have the same social position). 这些学生来自各个社会阶层。 the social status of her family 她家的社会地位3  meeting people 与人交往SSSOCIALIZE relating to meeting people, forming relationships with them, and spending time with them 社交的,交际的 social interaction 社会交往 a club with lots of social events 社交活动丰富的俱乐部 Exercise classes are a good way to keep fit and improve your social life. 上健身课是保持身体健康和改善社交生活的好办法。 Group play helps children develop social skills (=ability to deal with people easily). 小组游戏有助于儿童发展交际能力。 He lacked social graces (=good and polite behaviour towards other people). 他缺乏社交礼仪。4. someone who is social enjoys meeting and talking to other people 〔人〕好交际的,爱交往的 SYN sociable5  animals 动物HBA forming groups or living together in their natural state 群居的 OPP solitary Elephants are social animals. 大象是群居动物。5 —sociallyadv socially acceptable behaviour为社会所接受的行为 socially disadvantaged families社会地位低下的家庭 → antisocial, sociable, unsocialn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: relating to meeting people, forming relationships with them, and spending time with themnounssomebody's social life (=activities that involve being with other people for pleasure)Teenagers enjoy an active social skills (=the ability to deal with people easily)In school, the children also learn social graces (=good and polite behaviour towards other people)I had none of the social graces of my fellow contact/interactionWork provides social contact.a social call (=one that does not relate to business)Don't misunderstand, this is purely a social call.Examples from the Corpussocial• The child at the stage of concrete operations can assume the viewpoint of others and spoken language is social and communicative.• Governments have made efforts to improve women's social and economic status.• Elephants are social animals.• demands for social change• social changes that brought women even greater freedom• True believers are adamant that without annexation there can be no financial or social equity in Tucson -- end of discussion.• the struggle for social justice• Full of character, Paxos has an easy social life, ideal for people on holiday by themselves.• As yet there has been little research considering early retirement among women and its social meaning and impact.• Rising unemployment led to even more social problems.• Subjectivity becomes contained in discourse: a solution which does not deal adequately with its complicated place in psychology and social relations.• Here we need to rely on our social scientific knowledge about our own legal and social institutions.• Not least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men.• Our social worker came and he said Mum had told him I had a boyfriend.the social order• At the same time, he envisaged these innate and largely egoistic tendencies as threatening to the social order.• For the utilitarian, apparently, it was enough to demonstrate the advantages offered by the social order.• In the philosophical tradition there have been two tendencies with respect to epistemological concerns and concerns about the social order.• Members of these groups, which are linked together in an organic whole, work cooperatively to maintain the social order.• Plots, conspiracies, secrets of revolution, secrets of the end of the social order.• There are people in these centers of participation in the social order.• The church ensures that this concept of being part of the social order of things is adhered classes• Students come from a wide variety of social classes.• Coverage by occupational pension schemes is not, however, evenly distributed amongst all social classes.• Private renting tends to be a residual tenure for all the social classes.• The differences between girls and boys are small compared with the differences between localities, types of school and social classes.• To bring about this sense of community, Eliot includes historical and contemporary Londoners of various social classes.• In spite of this, however, differences in infant and adult mortality rates between social classes have widened.• Once thought of as a disorder of upper social classes, it now seems to be well represented across the socioeconomic spectrum.• While she affirmed learning across social classes, Jane Addams was a critic of higher education.• Firstly, hopes that opening the universities to lower social classes might reveal untapped reserves of brain-power have been graces• Dona wanted to be alone and was bored with social graces.• We have a very high premium on courtesy, politeness, observing the social graces.• She seemed like a princess to him, not just for her social graces but for her social standing and wealth.• So Mrs Thatcher, demonstrating hitherto unsuspected social graces, decided to step into the breach herself.• I have never found that my lack of social graces has been a animals• For us, it is a necessary ingredient, perhaps in no small measure because we are social animals.• There is no reason to doubt that such mixtures of behaviour would not occur in social animals.• Like families gathered at Christmas, social animals are poised between cooperation and conflict.• Generally, then, one would expect to find reciprocation in populations of highly social animals living in small intensely interactive groups.• These conflicts are the very essence of being the social animals we are.Related topics: Sociology, Leisuresocial2 noun  1. SSDL[countable] a party for the members of a group, club, or church 社交聚会;联谊会;联欢会2. the social British English informal old-fashioned social security 社会保障Examples from the Corpussocial• She looked like the kind of girl you would have met at a church social.• There would be whispers at the church socials, catty remarks behind her back in the supermarket aisles.• A synagogue canceled its ice cream social and auction sale.• We also hold socials, parties, and organise day trips, again free of charge.• This is not to underestimate the Club's previous social calendar which for many years included successful dinner dances and club socials.From Longman Business Dictionarysocialso‧cial /ˈsəʊʃəlˈsoʊ-/ adjective1concerning human society and its organization, or the quality of people’s livesThe only measurable social cost of high speed rail is that of noise.Companies who dump waste are ignoring their social responsibility.2related to people’s position in society, according to their job, family, wealth etcBritish lawyers enjoy a higher social status than French ones.Money management is not, as you might expect, dominated by the upper social classes.3HUMAN RESOURCES concerning the relationship between companies and employees, and between companies and societyThis is the first time that institutional investors have challenged a company on environmental and social issues.4related to activities you do to enjoy yourself when you are not at workThe firm spent thousands of dollars on social gatherings.5related to the way you meet people and form relationshipsWe are looking for graduates with a high level of social skills (=ability to meet people easily and deal with them well).Origin social1 (1600-1700) Latin socialis, from socius “someone you spend time with”so·cial1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1social2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  society its and relating Business human or Corpus to the organization, quality




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