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单词 snake
释义  Related topics: Animalssnake1 /sneɪk/ ●●● W3 noun [countable]  1  HBAan animal with a long thin body and no legs, that often has a poisonous bite 蛇 A snake slithered across our path. 一条蛇蜿蜒爬过我们的小路。a poisonous/venomous snake 一条毒蛇 →4  See picture of 见图 REPTILE →5 see picture at 见图 reptile2. TRUST# (also snake in the grass) informal someone who cannot be trusted 阴险小人,不可信的人n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa poisonous/venomous snakeHe warned me there were poisonous snakes in the region.a deadly snakeIt is the most deadly snake in India.verbsa snake bites somebodyI might get bitten by a snake.a snake hisses (=makes a noise which sounds like 'ssss')The snake hissed at him and opened its mouth.a snake slithers somewhere (=moves there)Just feet from me, a green snake slithered silently across the path.a snake coils itself around somethingThe snake coiled itself around the branch.Examples from the Corpussnake• When I was born, the nurses said I was cold as a snake.• They may be wise as an owl, slippery as an eel or even a snake in the grass.• A geek is a carnival performer who bites the heads off live chickens and snakes.• Now he found himself playing Kaa, the deaf snake known for the power of his hug.• In a corner, hoses lay coiled like a family of dormant snakes.• But at darkest midnight when all was silent in the house two great snakes came crawling into the nursery.• A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch.• The snake was still inside the leg, and I couldn't even see it.a poisonous/venomous snake• While on a mission, Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake.snake2 verb [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]  TURNif a river, road, train, or line snakes somewhere, it moves in long twisting curves 使)蜿蜒前进 SYN windsnake along/past/down etc The road snaked along the valley far below. 公路在下面幽深的山谷里蜿蜒延伸。 The train was snaking its way through the mountains. 火车正在山中蜿蜒穿行。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussnake• He could not believe that her hand snaked across the seat toward his.• I stared at the brown rivulets snaking down the wall where my window should have been.• He led the way, his slim hips in the tight fitting pants snaking gracefully between the tables.• Ships steamed, highways snaked, houses clustered, all, from this height, orderly, and in their smallness touching.• It snakes in and out of ports, along our busiest highways and through our most crowded cities.• Usually the lines pictured on the evening news were just the ones that snaked outside store entrances.• Across its upper half, two lines Of human figures snake toward an abstract river.snake along/past/down etc• The stem of the poppy snakes down and up again, in defiance of gravity, the head faces the viewer.• The road snakes along hills wearing premature coats of green.• Her hand snaked down his pyjamas to feel his hardness ... Then it was morning.• In the valley, new construction snakes along the branches of the Gallatin River.• Then, for the last twenty minutes, the road snakes down the mountainside.• I stared at the brown rivulets snaking down the wall where my window should have been.Origin snake1 Old English snacasnake1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1snake2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  an long and with Corpus animal thin a body




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