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单词 slump
释义  slump1 /slʌmp/ ●○○ verb  1  FALL[intransitive] to fall or lean against something because you are not strong enough to stand 〔因无力站立而〕倒下,倚,靠slump against/over/back etc She slumped against the wall. 她身子一歪倚在了墙上。 Carol slumped back in her chair, defeated. 卡萝尔颓然倒在椅子上。 Ben staggered and slumped onto the floor. 本踉跄着栽倒在地板上。2  FAIL[intransitive] to suddenly go down in price, value, or number 〔价格、价值或数量〕暴跌,骤降 OPP soar Sales slumped by 20% last year. 去年销售额骤减 20%。slump to The currency slumped to a record low. 币值跌到了历史低点。3  [intransitive, transitive] (also be slumped) if your shoulders or head slump or are slumped, they bend forward because you are unhappy, tired, or unconscious 〔肩或脑袋〕耷拉着〔由于不开心、疲倦或失去知觉〕 Her shoulders slumped and her eyes filled with tears. 她耷拉着双肩,眼里噙满泪水。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusslump• Micron fell 2 7 / 8 to 33 and Intel slumped 1 / 4 to 56 5 / 8.• She slumped back in her seat.• A young man sat slumped behind the hotel desk, showing little interest in the new arrivals.• Keeping your arms straight, raise them as high as possible without slumping forwards.• He slumped further forward, his lips parted and his eyes closed.• She sits like that, slumped, head covered, in the last seat, for a long time.• At about 2 a.m. he had fallen downstairs and slumped in a heap by the front door.• Brad was slumped in front of the television watching the game.• Semiconductor, software and computer companies slumped in price because of concern that earnings may not be up to snuff.• The victim was slumped over a freezer where he had been searching for a gas leak.• Theresa found him slumped over the keyboard.• As house sales have slumped, so has spending on department-store specialities like furniture, carpets and electrical appliances.slump against/over/back etc• The victim was slumped over a freezer where he had been searching for a gas leak.• He began slumping over again, and his iron ball shrank back to a hand.• I let go a lungful of air, slumped back against the parapet and lit another Capstan.• Hilary Robarts had been slumped back in her chair, her eyes fixed on Lessingham.• He would be only too happy to dial 911 when Walter slumped over in shock, unable to speak.• I stood in the middle of the dusky field and let Janir slump against my back.• Blood pressure and lumbago have left these shrimps - pink and puffed as a rowing eight, slumped over their needles.Related topics: Economics, Sportslump2 ●○○ noun [countable usually singular]  1  LESSa sudden decrease in prices, sales, profits etc 〔价格、销售额、利润等的〕突然下跌slump in a slump in car sales 汽车销售量的骤降2  PEa period when there is a reduction in business and many people lose their jobs 〔经济的〕不景气,萧条 OPP boom The war was followed by an economic slump. 战后出现了经济萧条。 a worldwide slump 全球性的经济萧条3  especially American EnglishDS a period when a player or team does not play well 〔运动员或运动队的〕低迷期in a slump The Dodgers have been in a slump for the last three weeks. 道奇队在过去三周里一直处于低迷期。Examples from the Corpusslump• The survey also found that the likeliest effect of downsizing is a slump in morale, which can reduce productivity and profits.• Smith is in the deepest batting slump of his eight-year career.• The economic slump has dried up the big-ticket multi-billion yen projects that the majors used to thrive on.• The economic slump was nowhere to be seen, but hairline recession was another thing.• During the long housing slump, several high-profile crime stories gave skittish buyers one more reason to avoid the Inner Mission.• One of their major concerns was the slump in wool prices.• The slump in the property market is making it difficult for people to sell their homes.• The slump in Intel dragged down other tech stocks.• The slump in profits has limited the scope for corporation tax offsets but economic recovery should help ease the problem.• The post-war slump sent the unemployment figures to twice the expected level.slump in• a slump in exportsin a slump• Such an assumption is a plausible one: in booms unemployment is low and in slumps it is high.• Exactly the opposite would apply in a slump year.• The Dow is reaching new highs, but small-company stocks are in a slump.• Some would say that that is because of the recession, but we are in a slump rather than a recession.• An economy in a slump or depression is generally characterised by high demand-deficient unemployment of both labour and capital.• They will be the first to go in a slump.• So again we would predict that the measured apc would be higher in a slump year than in a boom year.• Woods does not believe he is in a slump.From Longman Business Dictionaryslumpslump /slʌmp/ noun [countable usually singular]1a sudden fall in the price, value, or number of somethingslump inThere has been a slump in sales this month.2ECONOMICS a period of time when there is a big reduction in economic activity, forcing many companies to close and many people to lose their jobsSavings were already extremely low at the beginning of the current slump. —slump verb [intransitive]Securities firms’ profits have slumped in recent years.Origin slump1 (1600-1700) Probably from a Scandinavian languageslump1 verbslump2 nounChinese  something lean not to Business against Corpus you are or because fall




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