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单词 slog
释义  slog1 /slɒɡ $ slɑːɡ/ verb (slogged, slogging) [intransitive, transitive] informal  1  WORK HARDto work hard at something without stopping, especially when the work is difficult, tiring, or boring 不停地苦干 Mother slogged all her life for us. 妈妈为我们操劳了一辈子。slog away After a day slogging away at work, I need to relax. 辛苦工作了一天,我需要放松一下。slog through You just have to sit down and slog through long lists of new vocabulary. 你必须坐下来好好地啃一啃长长的新词汇表。2  DIFFICULT[always + adverb/preposition] to make a long hard journey somewhere, especially on foot 长时间艰苦地行进,艰难地走〔尤指徒步〕 He’s been slogging round the streets delivering catalogues. 他奔波在街头递送商品目录。slog your way through/round etc something He started to slog his way up the hill. 他开始艰难地往山上爬。3  slog it out informal British EnglishFIGHTARGUE to fight, compete, or argue about something until one side wins 斗个胜负,争出个高低 The teams will be slogging it out on Saturday. 两队将在星期六决一雌雄。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusslog• A soaking wet Connors pushed open the flap and slogged inside.• Occasionally he would step down the wicket and slog my straight medium pacer straight and high over my head.• Of course we shall sometimes feel lonely but we were never meant, grim-faced and tight-lipped, to slog on alone.• But then, so do the 49ers as they slog their way through three more utterly meaningless games.• And the defense team, slogging through hour after hour of technical material, grew increasingly annoyed.• A truck came down the line picking us up and slogged to a stop in front of his ship.slog your way through/round etc something• But then, so do the 49ers as they slog their way through three more utterly meaningless games.slog2 noun  1  [singular, uncountable] British English informalWORK THAT somebody DOES a piece of work that takes a lot of time and effort and is usually boring 艰苦乏味的工作 It’ll be a slog, but I know we can do it. 这工作费时费力,但我知道我们能完成。 months of hard slog 几个月的辛勤劳动2  WALK[singular] a long period of tiring walking 长途跋涉 a long hard slog uphill 艰苦的长途爬山Examples from the Corpusslog• But it was also going to be a boring slog.• The game was a hard slog with no finesse, despite the promotion aspirations of both sides.• From there it was a hard slog to Tokai but, once there, the wine!• The campaign promises to be a long, hard slog.• It will be a whole year of hard slog before you see their like again ... if you're lucky!• Now, their lustre faded, they must plough through the qualifying slog to get there.hard slog• The season had been a hard slog and he felt a break was in the player's interests.• The game was a hard slog with no finesse, despite the promotion aspirations of both sides.• From there it was a hard slog to Tokai but, once there, the wine!• Just hard slog to move up the world rankings.• Then came Edinburgh and the long hard slog of a medical degree and the various hospital training jobs that followed.• It will be a whole year of hard slog before you see their like again ... if you're lucky!• The first aspect that presents itself is one of sheer hard slog!hard slog• The season had been a hard slog and he felt a break was in the player's interests.• The game was a hard slog with no finesse, despite the promotion aspirations of both sides.• From there it was a hard slog to Tokai but, once there, the wine!• Just hard slog to move up the world rankings.• Then came Edinburgh and the long hard slog of a medical degree and the various hospital training jobs that followed.• It will be a whole year of hard slog before you see their like again ... if you're lucky!• The first aspect that presents itself is one of sheer hard slog!slog1 verbslog2 nounChinese   Corpus especially hard work without at when the work to stopping, something




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