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单词 slipcover
释义  Related topics: Furnitureslip·co·ver /ˈslɪpˌkʌvə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  DHFa loose cloth cover for furniture 家具套Examples from the Corpusslipcover• Dressed in a white canvas slipcover, it has moved to the bed and bathrooms.• Finally, out they came, plastic slipcover and all, into the stinky junk heap.• The remnants of plastic slipcovers still shielded the red-and-orange, floral-patterned material.• Lacy white curtains fluttered at open windows, and washable slipcovers in white or pale shades covered the upholstery.• One way to deal with this is to do white slipcovers that can be cleaned.slip·co·ver nounChineseSyllable  furniture loose cover Corpus cloth a for




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