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单词 slingshot
释义  Related topics: Weaponssling·shot /ˈslɪŋʃɒt $ -ʃɑːt/ noun [countable] American English  PMWa small Y-shaped stick with a thin band of rubber across the top, used to throw stones 〔用以发射石子的〕弹弓 SYN British English catapultExamples from the Corpusslingshot• So he uses a slingshot to fire apples at the pears, but he misses every time.• A slingshot unseated this one and Scathach impaled him.• My first reaction was to scan the angry opposition mob for shotguns, pistols, slingshots, and M-80s.• James Mellaart reports evidence from Catal Huyuk for the use of the slingshot, bow and arrow, lance, and spear.• Tuthanach slingshot whizzed and whirred, and two of the horsemen fell back over the mounts'·shot nounChineseSyllable  thin small stick a Corpus Y-shaped a with




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