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单词 sink
释义  Related topics: Golfsink1 /sɪŋk/ ●●● W3 verb (past tense sank /sæŋk/ or sunk /sʌŋk/ American English, past participle sunk /sʌŋk/)  1  in water 在水里 [intransitive] to go down below the surface of water, mud etc 下沉,沉没 OPP float Their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink. 他们的摩托艇触了礁,开始下沉。 The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool. 孩子们看着那枚硬币沉到池底。 The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud. 这些沉重的大炮深陷在泥里,只露出炮管。2  boat 船只 [transitive] to damage a ship so badly that it sinks 使 〔船〕沉没 A luxury yacht was sunk in a bomb attack yesterday. 一艘豪华游艇在昨天的炸弹袭击事件中被击沉了。3  move lower 降低 [intransitive] to move downwards to a lower level 下降,降低〔至某一高度〕 The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms. 夕阳渐渐沉入椰树林后。 Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing. 她下巴耷拉到胸前,显得很绝望。4  fall/sit down 倒下/坐下 [intransitive]FALL to fall down or sit down heavily, especially because you are very tired and weak 倒下;颓然坐下〔尤因非常疲倦或虚弱〕sink into/to/down/back etc She let out a groan and sank into a chair. 她呻吟了一声,颓然倒进椅子里。 He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor. 他松开她的肩膀,她顿时倒在地板上。 Marion sank down on a rock, and wept. 玛丽昂跌坐在一块岩石上,哭了起来。 The minister sank to his knees (=he went down into a kneeling position) and prayed. 牧师跪下来祷告。5  get worse 变坏 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]WORSE to gradually get into a worse condition 衰退,恶化sink into They lost all their money and sank into desperate poverty. 他们赔光了所有的钱,变得一无所有。 The good mood left me and I sank into depression. 好心情离我而去,我陷入沮丧之中。 The doctor said that the boy was sinking fast (=getting weaker and about to die). 医生说那男孩的病情在急剧恶化。6  your heart sinks  (also your spirits sink)SAD/UNHAPPYHOPE# used to say that you lose hope or confidence 心情沉重,情绪低落〔用于表示失去信心或希望〕 His heart sank the way it always did when she left him. 他心情沉重,她离开他时他总是这样。 She felt desperately tired, and her spirits sank. 她感到筋疲力尽,情绪低落。7  lower amount/value 数量减少/价值降低 [intransitive]VALUE#LESS to go down in amount or value 〔数量或价值〕减少,降低 SYN drop OPP rise Shares in the company have sunk as low as 620p. 这家公司的股票跌到了 620 便士的低点。sink to The population of the village sank to just a few families. 这个村子的人口已经减少到只剩几户人家了。8  voice 声音 [intransitive] writtenQUIET if your voice sinks, it becomes very quiet 变低sink to/into Her voice sank to a whisper. 她的声音变成了耳语。9  sinking feeling informalHOPE# the unpleasant feeling that you get when you suddenly realize that something bad is going to happen 不祥的感觉,颓丧感 I had a sinking feeling inside as I realized I was going to fail yet again. 我意识到自己又要失败,心情很低落。10  be sunk spoken to be in a situation where you are certain to fail or have a lot of problems 陷入麻烦 If I don’t get paid by next week, I’ll really be sunk. 下星期再拿不到工资的话,我就惨了。11  sink without trace especially British English (also sink like a stone especially American English) if something sinks without trace, it fails quickly or no one pays attention to it 〔某物〕很快失败;无人问津 He made a few records, which all sank without trace. 他录过几张唱片,但都无人问津。12  sink so low  (also sink to doing something)BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS to be dishonest enough or selfish enough to do something very bad or unfair 不诚实[自私]到这种地步,堕落到干出这种事来 SYN stoop How could he have sunk so low? 他怎么会堕落到这种地步?13  use STH sharp 使用锋利的东西 [transitive]PUT to put your teeth or something sharp into someone’s flesh, into food etc 用〔牙〕咬;用〔尖锐的东西〕戳,捅sink something into something The dog sank its teeth into my arm. 那条狗在我的手臂上咬了一口。 She sank her fork into the pie. 她把叉子插进馅饼。14  dig into ground 挖进地里 [transitive]DIG if you sink something such as a well or part of a building, you dig a hole to put it into the ground 挖,掘〔井、洞〕 A well was sunk in the back garden, and water could be pumped up into the kitchen. 后花园里挖了口井,可以把水抽上来接到厨房。15  sink or swim SUCCEED IN DOING somethingFAILto succeed or fail without help from anyone else 自生自灭,成败全靠自己 They don’t give you a lot of guidance – you’re just left to sink or swim, really. 他们不会给你很多指导——就让你自生自灭,真的。16  money 钱 [transitive] to spend a lot of money on something 投入,投下〔大量金钱〕sink something in/into something They sank their entire savings into their house. 他们把全部存款都投到他们的房子上了。17. ball 球 [transitive]DSG to put a ball into a hole or basket in games such as golf or basketball 将〔球〕击入洞中;将〔球〕投入篮中18  sink your differences British EnglishFORGIVE to agree to stop arguing and forget about your disagreements, especially in order to unite and oppose someone else 摒弃分歧,摒除歧见〔尤指为了联合对付别人〕 Nations must sink their differences to achieve greater security. 各国必须摒弃分歧,以实现更高的安全性。19  drink 喝 [transitive] British English informalDRINK to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities 喝〔酒〕〔尤指痛饮〕 We sank a few pints at the pub first. 我们先在酒馆里喝了几品脱啤酒。20 sink in phrasal verb UNDERSTANDREALIZEif information, facts etc sink in, you gradually understand them or realize their full meaning 〔信息、事实等〕逐渐被充分理解 He paused a moment for his words to sink in. 他停顿了片刻,好让人充分理解他的话。 The implications of Labour’s defeat were beginning to sink in. 人们开始意识到工党败选所带来的影响。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussink• The stock index had sunk 197.92 points by midday.• Jane put it in and of course it sank.• Hundreds of passengers tried desperately to escape from the boat as it sank.• Pierce sank a 3-point basket two minutes into the game.• The sun sank and darkness fell on the island.• The unsinkable had sunk, and taken with it half of its passengers and crew.• One battleship was sunk and two were badly damaged in last night's fighting.• She sank back again on to the stair.• Fortunately, the sinking barge did not leak any fuel into the harbor.• Gradually, the sun sank below the horizon.• Kiss her and your lips sink deep into her cheeks.• The guns sank deeper and deeper into the mud.• The price of crude oil could sink even further.• The first exploratory oil well was sunk in late 1987.• With the car sinking into a marsh, there wasn't a moment to spare.• As the sun sank lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange.• She couldn't stand the poverty, seeing people sinking lower and lower, with no ambition.• The building's foundations have sunk several inches in recent years.• Three ships were sunk that night by enemy torpedoes.• Submarines were used to sink the enemy's supply ships.• His heart sank the way it always did when she left him.• The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool.• The kid sank weakly, almost to the ground, grimacing, but did not say a word.• There was a sucking noise, and then the branch sank without trace.sun ... sinking• The sun was just sinking behind the dark mountains.• The sun was sinking in a red glow, the lights were coming out in Eldercombe Village.sank to ... knees• As the pilgrims passed, peasants who had gathered from the countryside sank to their knees.• I dropped my glove and sank to my knees.• Then she realized she'd forgotten to kneel down when she came in, and blushing, sank to her knees.• When the nail finally pulled free, I sank to my knees.• Norman sank to his knees and began to sob piteously.• With a cry of despair, Ronni sank to her knees and collapsed into tears.• Monsignor Delgard sank to his knees, one hand still grasping the top of the lectern.• As she sank to her knees, the Reichsmarschall felt the winkle underneath the whale begin to rise.sinking fast• Despite pulling the elevator back and the aeroplane changing attitude, it carried on, sinking fast.• Fergus had been waist deep and sinking fast.• She twisted round and saw Pet up to her shoulders in ooze, sinking fast.• With his credit card statements no longer cushioned by company expenses, John found himself sinking fast in financial quicksand.• I was sinking fast in the mire of soft money.• As it is, our reputation is sinking fast in the west.• Mary is also sinking fast, now at the stage of complete alienation from her family.sink to/into• The marsh was not like water, and the car didn't sink to. he bottom.• It does not encourage religious authorities to sink into meditation, as do the Hindu fakirs.• I can feel a sizable sense of sorrow for people who have sunk to such degradation.• He is not going to sink to that.• He sat above Daisy, talking gently to her, as she gradually sank into the bog.• While it was on top, it lost some of the bubbles and sank to the bottom again.• Then it should be sunk into the gravel or sand base of the main tank.• At last the sun sank into the sea and night arose.sank ... teeth• I sat on the wheelbarrow and sank my teeth into a fresh loaf.• Bette concluded with a gasp and sank her teeth into her sandwich.• Then she sank her teeth into that flesh which was not flesh.well ... sunk• A large number of wells are then sunk into the hot water deposits, thus allowing circulation.Related topics: Householdsink2 ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  DHa large open container that you fill with water and use for washing yourself, washing dishes etc 洗脸盆;洗涤槽;洗碗池 → basin Dirty plates were piled high in the sink. 脏盘子在洗涤槽里堆得很高。 → everything but the kitchen sink at everything(7)Examples from the Corpussink• The cherry red formica-faced sink unit had been given a wash down.• The kitchen was like a big utility room with a huge sink, a stone floor, and a large wooden table.• She was in the middle of wringing the water out of a red rayon skirt she had been washing at the kitchen sink.• There was a stainless-steel sink, and a mirrored medicine cabinet.• The sweaters hung beneath the open hatch, the sink was empty and the oilskins stowed away.• Except it was under the sink, I believe.sink3 adjective  1 sink estate/school British English an area where people live or a school that is in a very bad condition and seems unlikely to improve 垃圾住宅区/学校 Go to almost any city and you find sink estates where you get the feeling that the council hates the place and the people too. 几乎每到一个城市你都会发现有一些垃圾小区,让人感觉当地的市政会讨厌那里,也讨厌那里的人。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A5 Where to eat 吃东西的地方Examples from the Corpussink• He swam away from the sinking ship.Origin sink1 Old English sincansink1 verb →10-20sink2 nounsink3 adjectiveChinese  down to go Corpus surface of below the




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