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单词 sincere
释义  sin·cere /sɪnˈsɪə $ -ˈsɪr/ ●○○ adjective  1  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALa feeling, belief, or statement that is sincere is honest and true, and based on what you really feel and believe 由衷的,真诚的,真心实意的 SYN genuinesincere thanks/thank you/gratitude I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me. 我要对所有帮助和支持过我的人表示由衷的感谢。 Please accept my sincere apologies. 请接受我真诚的道歉。 his sincere desire to find out the truth 他想查明真相的真切愿望2  HONESTsomeone who is sincere is honest and says what they really feel or believe 〔人〕真诚的,诚恳的 OPP insincere a warm-hearted, sincere man 一个热心、真诚的人sincere in They were obviously sincere in their beliefs. 他们的信仰显然是虔诚的。 I wasn’t sure that he was sincere in what he was saying. 我不敢肯定他说的话是真心诚意的。Examples from the Corpussincere• My smile is not entirely sincere.• She said she would love to come, but I wasn't sure if she was being sincere.• If Annan is sincere about reform, he should set an example by taking a pay cut.• He also struck me as wholly sincere and a very decent sort.• My client extends his sincere apologies to anyone who may have been hurt by his actions.• I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work.• It is my sincere belief that if we work together we can achieve peace in this country.• Over the years, he has made a sincere effort to improve race relations.• There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement.• They seemed to be sincere in their concern for the children's welfare.• To the jury, I was just that young country lawyer, that sincere kid representing a poor client.• But his condemnation of gay rights was likely made with all sincere passion.• She's a hardworking, sincere person.• I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped us.sincere apologies• To any readers who feel hard done by or annoyed please accept my sincere apologies.• Firstly, my sincere apologies for not having contacted you earlier about your proposal.sincere in• They were completely sincere in their beliefs.Origin sincere (1500-1600) Latin sincerus “clean, pure”sin·cere adjectiveChineseSyllable  belief, or sincere statement Corpus that a feeling, is




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