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单词 Sikh
释义  Sikh /siːk/ noun [countable]  RRHa member of an Indian religious group that developed from Hinduism in the 16th century 锡克教教徒〔16 世纪从印度教发展出来的一个宗教团体的信徒〕 —Sikh adjectiveExamples from the CorpusSikh• I think the executioner was a Sikh.• In the distance smoke rose over the old city, where Hindu mobs were massacring Sikhs in reprisal for Indira's assassination.• The survivors scrambled back to the sepoy lines pursued by a vengeful squadron of Sikh cavalry.• It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.• Mr Mann insists that Punjab must be a homeland for the Sikhs, brought into being by a UN-supervised plebiscite.• Nationalistic unrest is not limited to the Sikhs or Kashmirs.• On Jan. 31, the government promised safe passage to Sikh militants taking up the Prime Minister's offer of peace talks.Origin Sikh (1700-1800) Hindi “disciple, follower”Sikh nounChinese  member an Indian a group religious developed that of Corpus




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