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单词 significant
释义 Word family  noun significance ≠ insignificance signification adjective significant ≠ insignificant verb signify adverb significantly ≠ insignificantly  sig·nif·i·cant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL adjective  1  IMPORTANThaving an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future 重要的,重大的,影响深远的 OPP insignificant His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty. 他政治上最重大的成就是废除了死刑。 Please inform us if there are any significant changes in your plans. 你们的计划如有重大变动,请通知我们。significant for The result is highly significant for the future of the province. 这一结果对该省的未来意义重大。it is significant that It is significant that the writers of the report were all men. 这份报告的作者都是男性,这一点很重要。► see thesaurus at important2  BIGlarge enough to be noticeable or have noticeable effects 相当数量的;影响明显的 OPP insignificant A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits. 有相当多的司机不遵守车速限制。 A significant part of Japan’s wealth is invested in the West. 日本有很大一部分财富投资在西方国家。 There is a significant difference between the number of home births now and ten years ago. 现在家中分娩的人数和十年前相比有明显的差别。 The rise in temperature is not statistically significant. 从统计角度来看,气温的上升并不明显。3  MEANINGa significant look, smile etc has a special meaning that is not known to everyone 〔眼神、微笑等〕意味深长的,别有含义的 He gave me a significant look. 他意味深长地看了我一眼。Examples from the Corpussignificant• But at labs that draw business from artists, the proportion of work involving nudity can be significant.• Perhaps more significant are the events in the remaining and short history of the Rochdale Co-operative Manufacturing Society.• There has been a significant change in the tone of the media's coverage.• The Mason-Dixon poll shows a significant gender gap for Dole.• They exchanged significant glances.• Volunteer tutoring programs can have a significant impact on student achievement.• A significant number of drivers still refuse to wear seat belts.• The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.• She wanted to come across as the only significant person in Jett's life.• These were far more significant than any item projected in the development plans.• Corporate leaders were planning to close it unless they could get significant wage concessions from the workers.highly significant• Group action may however be highly significant.• We see birth as highly significant, but not as an isolated experience.• The growth of the library supplier has been a highly significant development of the past 20 years.• Those who later gave birth to sons averaged 2. 26, a highly significant difference.• The number is highly significant in all esoteric teachings.• The experiments were repeated many times with similar results which were highly significant statistically.statistically significant• For quite a large number of items, the relationship with the answer to this question was statistically significant.• Results in the two groups were compared with unpaired, two-tailed t tests; p 0 05 was statistically significant.• The difference, however, was not statistically significant.• These findings are worrisome, even though these increases were not statistically significant.• This effect was not statistically significant.• No statistically significant difference in performance was discovered between those with and those without recent study experience.• In 66 cases there was a statistically significant effect which could not be explained by any other means.• Hiatal hernia was the only statistically significant predictor of oesophageal mucosal status.Origin significant (1500-1600) Latin present participle of significare; → SIGNIFYsig·nif·i·cant adjectiveChineseSyllable  or especially having Corpus on an influence, effect important




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