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单词 shuffle
释义  Related topics: Cardsshuf·fle1 /ˈʃʌfəl/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]WALK to walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground 拖着脚步走shuffle forward/over/back etc The official signaled to one of the waiters, who shuffled forward. 这名官员向其中一名侍者打了个手势,那个侍者便拖着脚步走上前来。 With sore legs and aching chest, he shuffled over to the bathroom. 他腿酸,胸口痛,拖着步子走向浴室。► see thesaurus at walk2  shuffle your feet EMBARRASSEDto move your feet slightly, especially because you are bored or embarrassed 〔尤指因厌烦或尴尬而〕移动双足 Monica shuffled her feet nervously and stared at the floor. 莫妮卡紧张地把双脚挪来挪去,目光盯在地上。3  [transitive]MOVE something OR somebody to move something such as papers into a different order or into different positions 把〔文件等〕移来移去,改变…的顺序[位置] Jack sat nervously shuffling the papers around on his desk. 杰克紧张地坐着,把桌上的文件搬来搬去。shuffle through Frances shuffled through a pile of magazines. 弗朗西丝把一大堆杂志翻了个遍。4  [intransitive, transitive]DGC to mix playing cards into a different order before playing a game with them 洗(牌) Is it my turn to shuffle? 轮到我洗牌了吗? Just shuffle the cards. 请洗牌吧。 → reshuffle→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshuffle• Twelve feet high, cube in shape, not very smart or nimble, but it did shuffle along slowly.• I heard Bob shuffling around the kitchen in his slippers.• They shuffled forward in a dazed manner holding hands, their labels hanging round their necks.• She shuffled her pile of papers, then began to speak.• She shuffles out when she hears some one walking by.• People shuffle past, giving us a wide berth.• Bob Dole, or another Republican, end up shuffling toward the middle.• Supporting herself on Ali's arm, the old woman shuffled towards the door.• With wide, blank eyes he shuffled towards them.shuffle forward/over/back etc• I jab his fist, deflecting it as I shuffle back.• Imagine trying to shuffle back and forth between four maps on a breezy day.• I could shuffle forward and shuffle back.• Fifi shuffled over and stood behind her, eager to share in the bounty.• They shuffled forward in a dazed manner holding hands, their labels hanging round their necks.• He quickly shuffled forward on his knees to keep up.• He shuffled over towards the corner and collapsed on to a comfortable sofa.shuffle through• Mr. Murphy shuffled through some files in the drawer.shuffle the cards• Jennifer set up the Rummoli mat and divided up the colored poker chips while Bryan shuffled the cards.• Secret After the person has shuffled the cards, begin to explain what you are going to do.• After the tea he suggested that they play cards, already shuffling the cards he took from the sill.• I watched her shuffling the cards that night, and couldn't decide if she was beautiful or hideous.Related topics: Cardsshuffle2 noun  1. [singular]WALK a slow walk in which you do not lift your feet off the ground 拖着脚步走2. [countable]DGC the act of mixing cards into a different order before playing a game 洗牌3  be/get lost in the shuffle to not be noticed or considered because there are so many other things to deal with 在忙乱中被遗漏掉 The information contained in the memo got lost in the shuffle once it reached headquarters. 备忘录中的这一信息到达总部后就在忙乱之中被遗忘了。Examples from the Corpusshuffle• No time for shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, or slow-as-molasses soliloquies.• Hold, nudge, spin, kick, shuffle, double, win, lose.• The latest management shuffle involved the heads of sales, finance, and personnel.• The shareholding shuffle is likely to have been provoked by Philip Morris which is thought to have lost interest in Rothmans.• I saw him doing a side shuffle to the main entrance as we all trooped along here.• Some shuffle and bustle along, with stiff, tense movements, head poking forward.• The theory, however, broke down; both customers and employees got lost in the shuffle.• And in our sandwich, the grated cheese, when melted, got lost in the shuffle of the other ingredients.• I could imagine tight kimonos, vulnerable shuffles, and decorative combs.Origin shuffle1 (1500-1600) Perhaps from shoveshuf·fle1 verbshuffle2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus and to walk noisily, very slowly




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