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单词 shallow
释义  shal·low /ˈʃæləʊ $ -loʊ/ ●●● S3 adjective (comparative shallower, superlative shallowest)  1  DEEP#measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom 浅的,不深的 OPP deep a shallow river 浅河 The lake is quite shallow. 这湖很浅。 the shallow end of the pool 游泳池的浅水区 Place the meat in a shallow dish. 把肉放在一个浅盘里。2  SERIOUS PERSON#INTELLIGENT#not interested in or not showing any understanding of important or serious matters – used to show disapproval 肤浅的,浅薄的〔含贬义〕 a shallow argument 肤浅的论点 If he’s only interested in your looks, that shows how shallow he is. 如果他只是对你的外貌感兴趣,那说明他是多么浅薄。3. shallow breathing BREATHEbreathing that takes in only small amounts of air 浅呼吸,微弱的呼吸〔只吸入少量空气〕 OPP deep —shallowly adverb He lay there unconscious, breathing shallowly. 他躺在那里不省人事,呼吸微弱。 —shallowness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusshallow• After recovering from an attack of shallow breathing he recovered and one nurse said he was smiling and cooing in his cot.• As adults our abdomens get tightened up from stress, and we get used to taking very short, shallow breaths.• a shallow drawer• The babies splashed around at the shallow end of the pool.• The river is too shallow for our boat.• Don't dive in. The water's too shallow here.• She told them then about the shallow hip sockets and the tightening tendons and the surgery.• His breathing would become rapid and shallow, his cheeks flushed.• Behind the carpet was a shallow recess in which the bedding was normally stored.• You can practically see his heart beating through his shallow rib-cage.• They are often oval, especially when they are floating on or near the water-surface, especially in shallow tanks.• When I was ready, I started walking into the shallow water away from Blefuscu.the shallow end• The sun beating down on them and the children splashing and laughing in the shallow end.• She made the shallow end and stood up, plastering her hair back with her hands.• A woman stood at the shallow end, her hand under the chin of a small child, encouraging it along.• Robert dived into the shallow end of the pool at Nettlebed and sustained a broken neck and back injuries.• The pool should be placed on a generous layer of sand and the shallow end supported on bricks.• At the shallow end, with their hair in caps, the girls from Typing did the jitterbug in twos.shal·low adjectiveChineseSyllable  the Corpus top to measuring the a distance from short only




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