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单词 shaken
释义 Word family  noun shake shaker shakiness adjective shaky shaken verb shake adverb shakily  shak·en /ˈʃeɪkən/ (also shaken up) adjective [not usually before noun]  UPSETFRIGHTENEDupset, shocked, or frightened by something that has happened to you 心烦的;震惊的;受惊的 ‘How’s Jacob?’ ‘Pretty shaken up, but he’ll be all right.’ “雅各布怎么样?”“几乎吓坏了,不过他会没事的。” He was badly shaken after the attack. 这次袭击让他受惊不小。► see thesaurus at shockedExamples from the Corpusshaken• I could see that he still felt shaken.• The Bronskis appeared visibly shaken as they viewed the damage to their home.• As the minutes of silence and confusion unfolded, the crush eased and a visibly shaken band were allowed back onstage.• The knowledge left her shaken, gasping for breath.• It was refreshing, and did much to calm her shaken nerves.• I have walked in the truth and spoken in strength, I have shaken twenty-two regions with my power.• Oh, this was ridiculous! she told herself in a deeply shaken voice.• He raised them now at the two shaken women who sat facing him in the interview-room at Stowbridge police station.badly shaken• July 1944, failed although he was injured and undoubtedly badly shaken.• He and his wife were badly shaken and decided to move out of Ulster so that their children could grow up under normal conditions.• An Arab ambassador said he was bruised, looked badly shaken and needed at least two weeks to recover.• He was badly shaken and needed nine stitches in a head injury.• I was badly shaken by that pact.• She was badly shaken by the experience.• The remaining building societies would be badly shaken if Nationwide was forced to convert.• She had been badly shaken up and obviously distressed by the experience.shak·en adjectiveChineseSyllable  something Corpus that frightened has or by upset, shocked,




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