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单词 sexist
释义 Word family  noun sex sexism sexist sexuality sexiness bisexual bisexuality homosexual homosexuality adjective sexist sexual bisexual homosexual sexy sexless verb sex adverb sexually sexily  sex·ist /ˈseksɪst/ noun [countable]  SYPREJUDICEDsomeone who believes that one sex is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the other, and treats them unfairly because of this – used to show disapproval 性别歧视者〔含贬义〕 —sexist adjective sexist attitudes 性别歧视的态度Examples from the Corpussexist• And, of course, he was a sexist.• Farrakhan has long been controversial for remarks that many consider anti-Semitic, racist and sexist.• She vows to continue her fight against those she calls 'the racists and sexists who dominate the church'.• Come on, Jack, don't be sexist.• I also don't mean to be sexist because the same scenario works when the sexes are reversed.• A new female editor found it sexist.• Once again we see here that contradictoriness is no barrier to the maintenance of sexist stereotypes.• My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all.• Very sexist of you to assume otherwise, if I may say so.• These studies concentrated on images of women, a type of criticism which views films as cultural forms imbued with sexist·ist nounChineseSyllable  sex who less intelligent, Corpus or one someone that is weaker, believes




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