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单词 settle
释义  set·tle /ˈsetl/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  end argument 结束争论 [intransitive, transitive]ARGUE# to end an argument or solve a disagreement 和解;结束〔争论〕;解决〔分歧〕settle a dispute/lawsuit/conflict/argument etc Rodman met with Kreeger to try and settle the dispute over his contract. 罗德曼与克里格见了面,试图解决有关他合同的分歧。 We hope the factions will be able to settle their differences (=agree to stop arguing) by peaceful means. 我们希望各派系能以和平方式解决分歧。 Forensic tests should settle the question of whether Bates was actually present at the scene of the crime. 法医检验应该能够解决贝茨是否在犯罪现场的问题。settle with She finally settled with her former employers for an undisclosed sum. 最后她和她以前的雇主以数目不详的一笔钱做了了结。 They might be willing to settle out of court (=come to an agreement without going to a court of law). 他们或许会愿意庭外和解。2  decide 决定 [transitive usually passive]DECIDE to decide what you are going to do, especially so that you can make definite arrangements 确定,决定 Nothing’s settled yet. 一切都还未定。 It’s settled then. I’ll go back to the States in June. 那就这么定了,我六月份回美国。 ‘She’s only 15.’ ‘That settles it (=that is enough information for a definite decision to be made)! We’re not taking her with us!’ “她才15岁。”“那好,我们不带她去喽!”3  start living in a place 开始在某地生活 a) [intransitive, transitive]LIVE SOMEWHERE to go to a place where no people have lived permanently before and start to live there 〔在以前无人居住过的地方〕殖民定居,移民定居 This territory was settled in the mid-1850s by German immigrants. 这地区在19世纪50年代中期开始有德国移民定居。n Grammar Settle is usually passive in this meaning, when used as a transitive verb. b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]LIVE SOMEWHERE to go to live in a new place, and stay there for a long time 定居settle in Many Jewish people settled in the Lower East Side. 许多犹太人在(纽约曼哈顿)下东区定居。4  comfortable 舒适的 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]SIT to put yourself or someone else in a comfortable position (使)处于舒适的位置settle yourself in/on etc something Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep. 唐娜不敢在椅子里坐得太舒服,她怕会睡着。 The dog settled on the grass to enjoy its bone. 那条狗舒舒服服地在草地上享受骨头的美味。 A nurse settled the old man into a chair. 一名护士帮助这位老人坐到椅子上。 → settle back5  quiet/calm 平静/安定 [intransitive, transitive] (also settle down)CALM to become quiet and calm, or to make someone quiet and calm (使)平静,(使)安定 When the children had settled, Miss Brown gave out the new reading books. 孩子们静下来后,布朗小姐给他们发新的故事书。 She breathed deeply to settle her nerves (=stop herself from feeling worried or frightened). 她深深地吸了口气平静自己的情绪。6  move down 向下移动 [intransitive] a) DOWNif dust, snow etc settles, it comes down and stays in one place 〔灰尘、雪等〕降落,落下settle on Snow settled on the roofs. 雪花飘落到房顶上。 b) DOWNif a bird, insect etc settles, it flies down and rests on something 〔鸟、昆虫等〕停落,飞落settle on A fly kept trying to settle on his face. 一只苍蝇老是想停到他脸上。 c) if something such as a building or the ground settles, it sinks slowly to a lower level 〔建筑物、地面等〕沉降,下陷 The crack in the wall is caused by the ground settling. 墙上的裂缝是由地面沉降造成的。7  pay money 付钱 [intransitive, transitive]PAY FOR to pay money that is owed 结清,结算settle a bill/account/claim I always settle my account in full each month. 我总是每月都把我的账全部结清。 These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim. 这些保险公司要拖很久才支付索赔款项。settle with He was able to settle with his creditors, and avoid going to jail. 他向债主还清欠款,避免了一场牢狱之灾。8  organize business/money 处理好业务/钱款 [transitive]FINISH DOING something to deal with all the details of a business or of someone’s money or property, so that nothing further needs to be done 处理,结算〔业务、钱或财物〕 When it is finally settled, the Marshall estate may be worth no more than $100,000. 最后处理完毕后,马歇尔庄园的价值可能不会超过10万美元。 After her husband’s death, Jackie went to the city to settle his affairs. 丈夫去世后,杰姬进城去料理后事。9  settle a score/account FINISH DOING somethingto do something to hurt or cause trouble for someone because they have harmed or offended you 清算积怨,报宿仇 Did he have any enemies – someone with an old score to settle? 他是不是有什么仇人——和他结有宿怨的人?10  somebody’s eyes/gaze settles on somebody/something writtenLOOK AT if your eyes settle on someone or something, you notice them and look at them for a period of time 某人的目光停留在某人/某物上 Her gaze settled on a door, and she wondered what was on the other side of it. 她的目光停留在一扇门上,心里在想,门的那一边会是什么呢?11  feeling/quality 感觉/特质 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] writtenEFFECT/INFLUENCE if a quality or feeling settles over a place or person, it begins and has a strong effect 围绕;充满;强烈影响settle over/on An uneasy silence settled over the room. 房间里弥漫着一种令人不安的寂静。 Depression settled over her like a heavy black cloud. 忧郁情绪就像一片沉重的乌云笼罩在她的心头。12  expression 表情 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] writtenHBHEXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACE if a particular expression settles on your face, it stays there 〔某种表情在脸上〕固定下来,凝固 A disapproving frown settled on her face. 她不悦地皱起了眉头。13  stomach 胃 [intransitive, transitive]HBH if your stomach settles, or if something settles it, it stops feeling uncomfortable or making you sick 〔胃部〕变舒服;缓解(胃部)不适 Georgia had taken pills to settle her stomach, but she was still throwing up every hour. 乔治娅已经吃了药来缓解胃部不适,但还是每小时吐一次。 → let the dust settle/wait for the dust to settle at dust1(5)n COLLOCATIONSnounssettle a dispute/argument/conflictEvery effort was made to settle the dispute, without success.settle a lawsuit/caseThe city will pay $875,000 to settle the lawsuit.settle a question/matterIt is the area of pricing which may settle the question of which to buy.settle your differences (=agree to stop arguing)The two recently met to settle their differences.adverbssettle something finally/eventuallyThe case was finally settled by the Appeal Court.settle something amicably (=in a friendly way, without using a court of law)The dispute was settled amicably.phrasessettle out of court (=come to an agreement without going to a court of law)She talked to a lawyer and settled out of court with her former employer. PHRASAL VERBS14 settle back phrasal verb to lean back in a bed or chair, and relax and enjoy yourself 舒服地躺[坐]下 Vera settled back to enjoy the film. 维拉舒服地坐着看电影。15 settle down phrasal verb a)QUIET/CALM 平静/安定 settle (somebody) downCALMQUIET to become quiet and calm, or to make someone quiet and calm (使某人)安静下来,(使某人)停止讲话 Shh! Settle down, please! Now turn to page 57. 嘘!请别讲话!现在把书翻到57页。 When Kyle was a baby, we used to take him for rides in the car to settle him down. 凯尔还是个小宝宝的时候,我们经常开车带他出去兜风让他安静。b) LIVE SOMEWHEREto start living a quiet and calm life in one place, especially when you get married 安顿下来,安定下来〔尤指结婚〕 They’d like to see their daughter settle down, get married, and have kids. 他们希望女儿安顿下来,结婚成家,生儿育女。c) START DOING somethingto start giving all of your attention to a job or activity 开始专心于〔工作或活动〕,着手认真做〔某事〕 to I sorted out my mail, then settled down to some serious work. 我把邮件整理好,然后定下心来做一些重要的事情。d) if a situation settles down, it becomes calmer and you are less busy or less worried 〔情况〕平静下来,安定下来 It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call. 这里乱哄哄的,等忙完了我会给你打电话。16 settle for something phrasal verb ACCEPTto accept something even though it is not the best, or not what you really want 勉强接受,将就 They want $2,500 for it, but they might settle for $2,000. 他们想卖2,500美元,但2,000美元他们可能也会接受。n Grammar Settle for is never passive.17 settle in (also settle into something) phrasal verb USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TOto begin to feel happy and relaxed in a new situation, home, job, or school 适应,习惯〔新情况、新家、新工作或新学校〕 How’s your new home? Are you settling in OK? 你的新家怎么样?你习惯了吗? It takes a few months to settle into life at college. 适应大学生活需要几个月时间。18 settle on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb a) CHOOSEto decide or agree on something 决定,同意〔某事〕 They haven’t settled on a name for the baby yet. 他们尚未决定给宝宝取什么名字。b) settle something on somebody British English formalBF to make a formal arrangement to give money or property to someone 〔正式安排〕把〔金钱或财产〕赠与某人 She settled a small yearly sum on each of her children. 她每年给她每个子女一小笔钱。19 settle up phrasal verb BBTPAY FORto pay what you owe on an account or bill 付清欠账,结清账单 We settled up and checked out of the hotel. 我们结清账,办了退房手续。 with I’ll settle up with the bartender, then let’s go. 我去和酒保结账,然后我们就走。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussettle• Historians are unsure when the territory was first settled.• The existing chimney's foundation has settled and needs to be replaced.• However, he settled down again and, with his assistant Brunskill, continued to rule the gallows.• I ask the House to settle down and listen to the questions.• Blue resigns himself to a long wait and then settles down with his newspapers and magazines.• The players need to have a chance to settle down.• After her husband's death, Jackie went to the city to settle her husband's affairs.• She settled herself by an oak tree on a hill overlooking the town.• The family settled in a small Nevada town where they opened a store.• We lived in Thailand, then Singapore, and finally settled in Hong Kong.• Many Jewish immigrants settled in the Lower East Side.• So that settles it. We'll pay you half the purchase price now, and the rest over two years.• Before settling on a mandatory-guideline system, Congress considered other competing proposals for sentencing reform.• A look of fury settled on his face.• We talked to the carpenter to settle plans for the expansion of the restaurant.• I settled the bill and left the restaurant.• Last year the Department of the Environment was brought in to settle the case.• In the end we settled the deal on very favorable terms.• Once the question of the location of the state leper home was settled, the disease ceased to make headlines.• Please settle this account within two weeks.• Nothing is settled yet.settle a dispute/lawsuit/conflict/argument etc• It would be sensible for dioceses to establish procedures for arbitration in case these are needed to settle disputes.• Mercy and others who track violence see two disturbing trends, also reflected locally: Guns increasingly are used to settle disputes.• During 1975-9 they did settle disputes by threatening violence and by paying compensation, and said that this was customary.• Wright State has settled a lawsuit filed by Ralph Underhill agreeing to pay the former basketball coach about $ 125,000.• They're here to settle a dispute over whether or not to build a loo in the vestry of the fourteenth century church.• Their father encouraged his sons to settle disputes with fists and arranged boxing matches at home.• We will consult on a Lay Adjudicators scheme to make it easier for citizens to settle disputes with service providers.• The tribunals were intended to provide a way for rural residents to settle disputes without legal formalities.settle in• It didn't take Charlie long to settle into his new job.• Within a month she had settled into a moderate exercise regimen.• Paul never really settled in at his last school.• We normally give new employees a little while to settle in before we overload them with responsibilities.settle yourself in/on etc something• All three brothers had settled themselves in the area, Nathan's being a pleasant semi-detached residence of three storeys.• At home the new Labour Government was settling itself in.• Dry and fed, Ralph settled himself in front of the telephone.• He settles himself on the roof.• She settled herself in the driver's seat and held out her hand for the keys.• So I settled myself in a small tavern just down the street.• They settled themselves in a comer, both facing the door so that they had instant warning of anyone's approach.settle ... nerves• Her hands had been clammy and her breathing irregular, but a small brandy had helped to settle her nerves.• She breathed deeply, trying to settle her nerves.• Lynn Bollington scored early on to settle the nerves and two Jo Green goals secured the win.• Hignett then scored from the spot before Martijn Reuser settled the nerves of the East Anglian contingent.settle on• We watched as a butterfly settled on a branch near our window.• Can we at least settle on a date for our next meeting?• Hiroaki wanted white and I wanted black, so we settled on grey.• We finally settled on Miami as the site of our next conference.settle a bill/account/claim• Officials can seize a home and sell it to settle a tax bill.• Many Japanese companies settle their annual accounts at the end of March.• It had set aside $ 24 million to settle claims by former managers that it had failed to pay required overtime.• Cigarette-makers agreed in 1998 to pay the states $ 252 billion to settle claims for smoking-related health costs.• You use them just like ordinary cheques here to settle bills or draw cash.settle ... affairs• It aims to treat all taxpayers with equal fairness and to settle their tax affairs impartially.settle over/on• She settled on a one-pound sack of cookies for about $ 1.• In the end she settled on a stiff dose of Courvoisier brandy poured straight into Lucy's mug.• The soil where the bombs fell had been pulverised into black dust that had settled on everything.• I settled on one of the gauges on the instrument panel in front of me.• She had settled on the bottom with her bows more or less on a north-south line.• I finally settled on the idea of studying pharmacy.• When you are ready, fly down to Earth; settle on the moist green banks of a running stream.• A sense of peace settled on the town's inhabitants.• The meditation program he settled on was an Eastern breath-counting exercise.From Longman Business Dictionarysettleset‧tle /ˈsetl/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to end an argument by agreeing to do somethingThe two companies signed a pact that settled the patent suit.Before the second phase of the trial, the company settled out of court (=ended the argument without having to go to court).settle something with somebodyThe bankruptcy trustee ultimatelysettled thedispute with shareholders.2[intransitive]FINANCE if prices on a market settle, they stop rising or falling and stay at a particular level for a period of timeCrude oil futures prices settled lower in light trading.3[transitive]FINANCE to pay money that is owedProceeds from the sale will be used to settle debt to other creditors.Credit cards are one of the best ways of settling bills when you travel abroad. → settle on/upon → settle up→ See Verb tableOrigin settle Old English setlanset·tle verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or end an disagreement a to Business solve Corpus argument




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