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单词 self-confident
释义  ˌself-ˈconfident adjective  CONFIDENTsure that you can do things well, that people like you etc 自信的,对自己信心十足的 OPP shy► see thesaurus at confident —self-confidently adverb —self-confidence noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusself-confident• Jess was only 12, but she was very self-confident.• Students are bright, articulate, self-confident and surprisingly mature.• These anecdotes give us an idea of the self-confident arrogance of the Arabs.• I eventually became more self-confident as a public speaker.• He was loud and self-confident, but he had a right to be: he had a knack for picking winners.• Dan Reynolds, a self-confident engineer with twenty years' experience with large companies, was laid off in 1992.• It also shows why most aggressive, self-confident executives would rather be paid in stock than cash.• Even people like me became more self-confident in Art when he was the teacher.• The literature further suggests that transracial adopters are often very self-confident people with a resilience to stress.• She was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling.ˌself-ˈconfident adjectiveChineseSyllable  sure Corpus things do that well, can you




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