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单词 seer
释义  seer /sɪə $ sɪr/ noun [countable] especially literary  PREDICTsomeone who can see into the future and say what will happen 预言者,先知 SYN clairvoyantExamples from the Corpusseer• Then shall Thy kingdom be established on earth and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled.• Another seer who forecast a Tory majority - without compromising his impartiality - was Sir Robin Day.• Far from portraying the scientists as all-knowing seers, Hafner and Lyon show how their biggest advances came through serendipity.• All the seers and prophets saw the world as worthless.• When he saw this he was further enraged and started towards the seer with an axe.• The seer was ready with his answer.• Of all these seers, those with access to the greatest mysteries are the cosmologists.Origin seer (1300-1400) → SEE1seer nounChinese   Corpus who the can future see and someone what into say




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