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单词 seem
释义  seem /siːm/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [linking verb]  1  SEEMif something seems to be true, there are things that make people think it is true 看来,似乎,好像seem adj Ann didn’t seem very pleased. 安看来并不十分肯定。seem adj+noun It seems a foolish decision now. 现在看来这是一个愚蠢的决定。seem liken The last few days had seemed like a dream. Teri seemed like a nice girl. 泰里好像是个不错的女孩子。5 Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.好吧,当时看来这好像是个不错的主意。 We waited for what seemed like hours. 我们等了好像有好几个小时。it seems like/as if/as though It seems like you’re catching a cold, Taylor. 你好像感冒了,泰勒。 It seemed as if the end of the world had come. 似乎世界末日已经来临。it seems (that) It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake. 似乎是弗里曼杀死了这个男人,把尸体扔到了湖里。 It seems likely that he will miss the team’s next game. 看来他有可能会错过爱尔兰队的下一场比赛。seem to do something The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside. 彩虹好像到山坡那里就断了。seem to somebody Doesn’t that seem weird to you? 你不觉得那有点怪异吗?it seems to somebody (that) (=used when giving your opinion about something) It seems to me you don’t have much choice. 我觉得你没有多少选择的余地。nthere seem(s) to be something (=used when saying what you think has happened or is true)n There seem to be a lot of people it seems (=it seems to be true) 他的故事好像是真的。 ‘So Bill’s leaving her?’ ‘So it seems.’ “这么说来,比尔要离开她?”“好像是这样。”n RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use appear rather than seem, because it is more formal:It appears that the man had been murdered.2  can’t/couldn’t seem to do something FAILused to say that you have tried to do something but cannot do it 似乎无法做某事〔用于表示已经试过但做不了〕 I just can’t seem to relax. 我好像就是放松不下来。3  SEEMused to make what you are saying less strong or certain, and more polite 好像〔用于缓和语气或表示不确定,显得更客气〕seem to do something I seem to have lost my car keys. 我好像把汽车钥匙给弄丢了。it seems (that)/it would seem (that) 好像是谁忘了锁大楼的门了。 It would seem that someone left the building unlocked. 好像是谁忘了锁大楼的门了。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Seem can be followed by an adjective or by an adjective and noun. seem 后面可以跟形容词,或形容词加名词She seemed happy.她似乎很开心。• Seem can also be followed by like and a noun or by like and an adjective and noun. seem后面还可以跟like加名词,或like加形容词加名词He seems a nice man.他好像人不错。• Seem can also be followed by a verb in the infinitive. seem后面还可以跟动词的不定式It seemed like a miracle.这就像是个奇迹。• Seem can be followed by as if or as though but not just by as . seem后面可以跟as if或as though,但不能只跟asHe seems like a nice man.他看上去像是个好人。His story seems to be true.他的故事好像是真的。It seems a small thing (NOT 不说 It seems as a small thing), but it’s very important.这看来是件小事,但是非常重要。It seemed as if he wanted us to leave (NOT 不说 It seemed as he wanted ...).他好像是要我们走。n GrammarLinking verbsSeem is a linking verb. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun: She seemed satisfied with his explanation.Their meeting seems a coincidence.Using the progressiveSeem is not used in the progressive. You say: She seems very happy. ✗Don’t say: She is seeming happy.n THESAURUSappear a more formal word for ‘seem’These reports appear to be unfounded.look to seem to be something, often because of what can be seenThe future looks bleak.He looked pleased.sound used to say that something or someone seems to be something because of what you have heard or read about them, or because of the noise or voice that you hearThis study sounds very ambitious.They heard what sounded like a blow.come across as something to seem to have particular qualitiesHe comes across as a very sensitive man.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusseem• There were so many delays - it seemed as if we would never get home.• They kept ordering more brandy and all seemed genuinely upset.• Katie seems happy at her new school.• The voting seems in fact to have been orderly, though claims made about the plan were plainly false.• You seem kind of nervous.• "Why did you move to New York?" "It seemed like a good idea at the time."• Kevin seems like a nice guy.• It seems likely that they will release the hostages soon.• It seems that someone forgot to lock the door.• There seems to be something wrong with the TV.• Lack of money seems to be the main problem.• He seems to have no particular craving for society.• It seemed to Jim that Amy was worried about something.• Ricky graduated, but didn't seem to know what to do with his life. He was drifting.• Mr Assad once seemed to support perhaps the easiest solution: his son.• The circle seems unbroken, and now, in this new millennium, Showcase promises to be even more successful.• The whole situation seems very strange to me.seem to do something• The suggestion seems to be that integration is desirable and possible if the obstacles posed by black culture were removed.• Welcome to the sorry state of the apology, when regrets seem to come most readily when they matter the least.• Much of the technical literature on the subject seems to confuse the two sets of questions distinguished in this section.• He seemed to find the spirit relaxing, and sat down himself, crossing his legs almost casually.• Then she seemed to grasp what they were saying.• Amelia seemed to have no trouble coping with George or with anyone else.• Her play seems to lack imagination and she is manifestly terrified of Keith.• Mr. Naylor seems to take very good care of his car.• The steel companies seem to want to shrivel, to disappear.seem to do something• The suggestion seems to be that integration is desirable and possible if the obstacles posed by black culture were removed.• Much of the technical literature on the subject seems to confuse the two sets of questions distinguished in this section.• He seemed to find the spirit relaxing, and sat down himself, crossing his legs almost casually.• Then she seemed to grasp what they were saying.• Amelia seemed to have no trouble coping with George or with anyone else.• Her play seems to lack imagination and she is manifestly terrified of Keith.• The steel companies seem to want to shrivel, to disappear.Origin seem (1100-1200) Old Norse sœma “to be appropriate to”, from sœmr “appropriate”seem verb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  seems something if true, to Corpus there be




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