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单词 security risk
释义  seˈcurity ˌrisk noun [countable]  1. TRUST#someone in a government or organization who you cannot trust with important secrets, because they might tell them to an enemy 〔政府或组织内的〕不可靠分子,危险分子2  a situation that could put people in danger 安全风险 After the bomb threat, it was considered too much of a security risk to let the races go ahead. 发生炸弹恐吓后,大家都认为比赛继续进行下去安全风险太大。Examples from the Corpussecurity risk• Videotaping inside the prison could create a security risk for guards and officials.• It is hard for me to imagine how you could say they present a security risk.• The Northern authorities confirmed tonight they wouldn't be switching the tie despite the obvious security risk.• Apparently they regarded Churchill as a poor security risk.seˈcurity ˌrisk nounChineseSyllable  trust someone you who or cannot a in with Corpus government organization




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