单词 |
Bali |
释义 |
Bali Ba·li /ˈbɑːli/ an island in Indonesia, to the east of Java known for its beaches and its ancient religious and musical traditions. In 2000 a terrorist attack on two nightclubs killed over 200 people and hurt hundreds of others. Most of the people in the nightclubs were young foreigners who were visiting the island on holiday.Ba·liSyllable |
随便看 |
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- Buchanan, Patrick
- buchanan,-patrick
- buchanan,patrick
- Bucharest
- Buchwald, Art
- buchwald,art
- buchwald,-art
- buck
- buckaroo
- buckboard
- bucked
- bucket
- bucket down
- bucketed
- Bucket, Hyacinth
- bucket,hyacinth
- bucket,-hyacinth
- bucketing
- bucket list
- bucket-list
- bucketlist
- buckets
- bucket seat
- bucket-seat
- Protease inhibitor
- Yield rate
- Vice-presidency
- Vice-premier
- Rubber tire
- Corrective maintenance
- Northwest wind
- Magnetic core
- Tartaric acid
- Position effect
- 扈斯巴克
- 扊扅歌是什么意思
- 扊扅歌是什么意思
- 手下留情,善恶只在一念间
- 手不释卷·博览群书是什么意思
- 手不释卷典故故事|手不释卷释义
- 手不释卷是什么意思
- 手不释卷的意思,手不释卷的近义词,反义词,造句
- 手不释卷的意思,手不释卷造句
- 手不释卷,创造帝业
- 手写我口
- 手到擒来的意思,手到擒来造句
- 手势,藏在手里的女人魅力
- 手套的量词使用,词语解释
- 手容恭,足容重,头容直,口容止,坐如尸,立如斋,俨若思。目无狂视,耳无倾听。此外景也。外景是整齐严肃,内景是斋庄中正,未有不整齐严肃而能斋庄中正者。故检束五官百体,只为收摄此心。此心若从容和顺于礼法之中,则曲肱指掌,浴沂行歌、吟风弄月、随柳傍花,何适不可?所谓登彼岸无所事筏也。
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- Tropic of capricorn句子
- Fortnightly句子
- Punch-up句子
- Apple tart句子
- The upper hand句子
- Seriation句子
- Immodesty句子
- Logistical句子
- Interoffice句子
- Cosmologist句子
- Stakes句子
- Vitals句子
- Panoramic view句子
- Cutter句子