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单词 sec
释义  sec /sek/ noun  1  a sec spoken informal a very short period of time 一小会儿,片刻hang on a sec/hold on a sec/just a sec etc (=wait a short time) 稍等一会儿 ‘Is Al there?’ ‘Hold on a sec, I’ll check.’ “阿尔在吗?”“稍等一下,我去看一看。”in a sec I’ll be with you in a sec. 我一会儿就来。2  the written abbreviation of second / second 的书面缩写 ,秒 Journey time: 25 mins 14 secs. 旅程时间: 25分14秒。Examples from the Corpussec• Jim Boyd finished in 36 mins. 13 secs.• Catherine Allsopp ran an intelligently-paced race in the 800 metres, finishing third in 2 mins 11.36 secs.• His time of 3 mins 59.4 sec had left him exhausted to the point of collapse.• Berger crossed the line, his fuel reading zero and Schumacher just 0.7 secs behind.• Hold the phone there, a sec, Dex.nSEC /ˌes iː ˈsiː/  nthe securities and exchange commissionFrom Longman Business DictionarySECSECFINANCEORGANIZATIONS abbreviation for SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONsec.sec. written abbreviation for SECRETARYOrigin sec (1800-1900) → SECOND2sec nounSECLDOCE OnlineChinese  of period a time Business very short Corpus




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