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单词 movie
释义  Related topics: Filmmov·ie /ˈmuːvi/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable] especially American English  1  AMFa film made to be shown at the cinema or on television 电影 It was like one of those old John Wayne movies. 这部电影有点像约翰•韦恩演的一部老片子。in a movie She once played the innocent victim in a horror movie. 她曾在一部恐怖电影里扮演无辜的受害人。movie about a movie about two gay teenagers who fall in love 讲述两个同性恋少年坠入爱河的电影2  the movies AMF a) the cinema 电影院 We took the kids to the movies. 我们带孩子们去看电影。 In those days, we went to the movies every week. 那时候,我们每周都去看电影。at the movies Why were you at the movies all by yourself? 你为什么一个人看电影? b) films in general, and the events in them 电影〔总称〕;电影情节in (the) movies He couldn’t believe his luck. It was the sort of thing that only happened in the movies. 他不相信他的运气,这种事只有在电影里才会发生。 c) the business of producing films 电影业 a career in the movies 从影生涯 COLLOCATIONSverbswatch/see a movie 看电影We watched the movie and ate popcorn. 我们看电影吃爆米花。go to a movie 去看电影How about going to a movie? 去看电影怎么样?take in a movie American English (=go to see a movie) 去看电影nMaybe we could go out to dinner and take in a movie.appear in/be in a movie 出演影片She’s also appeared in ten movies. 她还出演过十部影片。star in a movie (=play one of the main characters) 主演影片nDepp will star in director Tim Burton’s next movie.a movie stars/features somebody 影片由某人主演na movie starring Will Smithmake/shoot a movie 制作影片/拍电影nThe children have made their own movies for the a movie 执导影片nHe wrote and directed the a movie 放映影片nWhat movies are they showing this weekend?a movie is released (=becomes available for the public to see) 影片发行nThe movie has already been released in the US.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + movienan old movieShe was watching an old movie on television.a classic movie (=an old movie that is very good) 经典影片a scene from the classic movie ‘Casablanca’ 经典影片《卡萨布兰卡》中的一个场景a hit movie (=a successful movie) 热门影片He has directed a string of hit movies. 他执导过一系列热门影片。a cult movie (=one that a small group of people like very much and watch often) 邪典影片na showing of the cult movie ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’a big-budget/low-budget movie (=one that cost a lot of money to make, or very little money to make) 大成本/小成本影片nHe won a role in a big-budget + NOUNthe movie industry 电影界[业]How did you get started in the movie industry? 你是如何在电影界起步的?a movie star 影星She looked like a movie star. 她看上去像电影明星。a movie director 电影导演nHe and his wife are both movie directors.a movie producer 电影制片人nHe started out as an actor, then became a movie producer.a movie premiere (=the first showing of a movie) 电影首映式nShe wore the dress to a movie movie cameraDo you know how to operate a movie camera?na movie screenIt was strange to see herself up there on the movie screen. THESAURUSfilm especially British English, movie especially American English a series of images that tell a story and are shown in a cinema or on television 电影What’s your favourite movie? 你喜欢什么电影?It won the award for best foreign film. 它赢得了最佳外语片奖。a made-for-TV movie 电视电影motion picture formal (also picture) a film – used especially by people who make films or by critics 电影〔尤为电影制作者或评论家使用〕a major Hollywood motion picture 一部好莱坞大片Tell us about your latest picture. 和我们说说你的最新影片吧。blockbuster informal a very successful film 巨片Steven Spielberg’s latest Hollywood blockbuster 史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格最新的好莱坞大片nflick informal a film – a very informal usean action flickdocumentary a film that gives detailed information and facts about a particular subject 纪录片a documentary on the rain forest 一部关于雨林的纪录片feature film a film made to be shown in cinemas 故事片The book was later made into a full-length feature film starring Sean Penn. 这本书后来被改编成一部由西恩•潘主演的故事长片。comedy a film intended to make people laugh 喜剧片Monroe appeared in a number of comedies. 梦露出演过许多喜剧片。romantic comedy (also romcom British English informal) a film about two people who are in love, which is intended to make the people who watch it feel happy 爱情喜剧片‘Notting Hill’ is a romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. 《诺丁山》是一部爱情喜剧片,由朱莉娅•罗伯茨和休•格兰特主演。thriller an exciting film, especially about murder or serious crimes 惊悚片‘The Birds’ is a classic Hitchcock thriller. 《群鸟》是一部经典的希区柯克惊悚片。film noir a film that shows strong feelings of fear or evil and whose characters are often immoral, or these films in general 黑色影片‘The Big Sleep’ is a classic Hollywood film noir. 《夜长梦多》是一部好莱坞经典黑色影片。action film/movie a film that has lots of fighting, explosions etc 动作片Stallone’s latest action movie 史泰龙的最新动作片horror film/movie a frightening film about ghosts, murders etc 恐怖片She loves watching old horror movies. 她爱看老的恐怖片。western a film with cowboys in it 西部片John Wayne is famous for making westerns. 约翰•韦恩以拍西部片闻名。science fiction film/movie (also sci-fi film/movie informal) a film about imaginary events in the future or in outer space 科幻片‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ is probably the most famous sci-fi movie ever made. 《2001》可能是有史以来最著名的科幻片。ngangster film/movie a film about violent criminalssilent film/movie an old film without any sound 无声影片,默片The 1920s were the golden age of silent movies. 20世纪20年代是无声电影的黄金年代。nan independent film/movie a film made by a small film companyanimated film/movie/cartoon a film with characters that are drawn or made using a computer 动画片One of his first animated films was ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’. 他最早的动画片中有一部是《白雪公主与七个小矮人》。anime /ˈænɪmeɪ, -mə/ a type of Japanese animated film, which often has a science fiction story 日本动画片Miyazaki’s anime film ‘Spirited Away’ became an international success. 宫崎骏的动画片《千与千寻》在国际上大获成功。nan anime characterCGI the use of computers to create characters and images in a film 〔电影中的〕计算机生成图像技术The film uses CGI. 这部影片使用了计算机生成图像技术。Disney’s latest CGI movie 迪士尼最新的计算机生成图像影片short a short film, usually shown before a longer movie in the cinema 短片an animated short 动画短片trailer a series of short scenes from a film or programme, shown in order to advertise it in a cinema, on television etc 预告片We had to sit through all the trailers. 我们只好坐着看完全部预告片。nthe people who make filmactor a man or woman who acts in a filma previously unknown actorBrando was one of Hollywood’s greatest actors.actress a woman who acts in a film. Women who appear in films or plays usually prefer to be called actorsShe was the actress who played Scarlet O'Hara in ‘Gone with the Wind’.star a famous actor or actressHe looked liked a movie star.a hotel which was used by the stars director the person who tells the actors and actresses in a film what to doThe director of the film is Quentin Tarantino. producer the person who makes the arrangements for a film to be made and controls the budgetfilm/movie crew the people operating the camera, lights etc who help the director make a filmExamples from the Corpusmovie• Like any movie scientist worthy of his white coat, Bridges goes slowly mad.• The definitive movie on these two men whose courage reshaped a nation remains to be made.• It was the first movie we ever saw alone without our parents.• People should never assume they know anyone even vaguely from movies and television.• a Hollywood movie• All bedrooms are of a high standard offering private facilities, satellite colour television, in-house movies and hospitality tray.• The other went on to film school and a career in the movie business.• The movie succeeds to a modest extent by taking full advantage of the romantic screen personas of its two·ie noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a the shown film cinema Corpus made be to at




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