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单词 scuttlebutt
释义  scut·tle·butt /ˈskʌtlbʌt/ noun [uncountable] American English informal  ALstories about other people’s personal lives, especially stories that are unkind or untrue 〔关于别人私生活的〕流言蜚语 SYN gossipExamples from the Corpusscuttlebutt• Seeing that he was getting impatient, Celestine sprung her surprise: a piece of academic scuttlebutt Lufkin had not known.• The scuttlebutt says their contracts were not yet signed and that the pair were holding out for better terms and conditions.Origin scuttlebutt (1900-2000) scuttlebutt “container for a ship's drinking water” ((19-20 centuries)), from scuttled “having a hole cut in it” ((18-19 centuries)) (from → SCUTTLE1) + butt “large container for liquid, barrel” ((15-21 centuries)) (from Old French botte, from Late Latin buttis); because sailors gathered around the container to talkscut·tle·butt nounChineseSyllable  unkind about other are that lives, stories stories personal Corpus people’s especially




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