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单词 Spectacles
1. He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief.
2. Her spectacles glinted in the moonlight.
3. She pushed her spectacles up her nose and sighed.
4. I've lost a pair of spectacles.
5. The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the sun.
6. My spectacles are broken I'll need to buy another pair.
7. People wear spectacles so that they can see better.
8. He is a small,(http://) cuddly man with spectacles.
9. He paused to adjust his spectacles.
10. His dark eyes glittered with anger behind his spectacles.
11. He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames.
12. He peered at the waiter over his spectacles.
13. He tends to view the world through rose-coloured spectacles.
14. He wears huge spectacles with thick tortoiseshell frames.
15. His spectacles steamed up in the hot room.
16. Her wire-framed spectacles were perched on the end of her nose.
17. The general is a tall man with steel spectacles and a stiff, rather pompous manner.
18. He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens.
19. Where are my spectacles?
20. He wore spectacles perched on the very end of his nose.
21. Gold rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose.
22. Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.
23. The gold-rimmed spectacles gave her a studious air.
24. He squinted at me through his spectacles.
25. Her hair and spectacles were plastered in white treacle.
26. He was wearing a pair of steel-rimmed spectacles.
27. Q: Perhaps, being on honeymoon, you wore rose-tinted spectacles?
28. He looked at me over the tops of his spectacles.
29. The small print has forced me, years before my time, to buy spectacles.
30. On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.
1. He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief.
2. Her spectacles glinted in the moonlight.
3. She pushed her spectacles up her nose and sighed.
4. The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the sun.
5. He looked at me over the tops of his spectacles.
6. People wear spectacles so that they can see better.
7. Gold rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose.
31. Her spectacles still hung from her neck.
32. These spectacles are in fact subject to relentless change.
33. Stark put on his spectacles and examined it.
34. She took off her spectacles.
35. Sunlight glinted on his spectacles.
36. The second feature you noticed was his thick spectacles which then made you think he might be an academic or doctor.
37. His pale blue eyes peered anxiously at Vic through thick rimless spectacles.
38. He wore spectacles and a blue sweater and carried a clipboard.
39. Because if you did not wear spectacles the brightness and the glory of the Emerald City would blind you.
40. The Grand National, after 154 years(http:///spectacles.html), is one of the greatest sporting spectacles in history.
41. You and your so-called friends make spectacles of yourselves at the party, litter the garden with debris and vandalise this fountain.
42. Even those who live in the City must wear spectacles night and day.
43. I stood there, gazing down, and feeling a reverence for these spectacles of the natural world.
44. Value added tax has been put on spectacles and surgical boots, which we would never have dreamed of doing.
45. Ella's book lay face downward on the arm of a chair, her spectacles lodged across it.
46. Totally blinded, his spectacles streaming with water as he bobbed up, he tried to float himself into the galley.
47. It turned out to be a cheap pair of spectacles with one red lens and one blue lens.
48. He narrowed his eyes and took off the spectacles, praying breathlessly.
49. A younger woman with outsize spectacles behind them periodically gave a slight nod of her head.
50. His address book; the clothes he'd bought with his own money as opposed to hers; his spare spectacles; his cigarettes.
51. Madeleine had on her spectacles and was reading the newspaper while Louis dozed on the sofa.
52. He must have been very shortsighted for I remember the way in which he always peered through his very thick spectacles.
53. Inside the house the old man put on spectacles and read the invitation carefully.
54. Alaia tops, Paul Smith suits,() extravagant spectacles: the designers are an instantly recognisable breed.
55. He wore sinister rimless spectacles, and had the potential to become frightening.
56. They were not, as Ionce thought, mere executions but genuine public spectacles.
57. Today the contest is held within strict bounds and has become one of the most exotic spectacles in the Imperial calendar.
58. Mr Thompson's son Brian said his father should have worn spectacles, but refused to.
59. And with his round face and friendly little circular eyes peering at you from behind those less-than-state-of-the-art spectacles.
60. Most of the productions shown here were patriotic spectacles requiring little dancing ability.
61. A pride of lions hunting down a prey animal, such as a zebra, is one of nature's more awesome spectacles.
62. Shaw gazes benevolently over his spectacles, and Kitchen twinkles wickedly over his mask.
63. Peering through steel-rimmed spectacles were chilly gray eyes that found little to be amused by.
64. Miss Honey put down her pencil and removed her spectacles and began to polish the lenses with a piece of tissue.
65. He held the paper in both hands and he saw the paper waver in front of his spectacles.
66. Coming soon to a computer screen near you: full three-dimensional animation without the need for funny spectacles.
67. It was pointed out that contrary to the rose-tinted spectacles view, Britain has a long history of riot and disorder.
68. Thousands, branded parasitical intellectuals merely because they spoke a foreign language or wore spectacles, were systematically liquidated.
69. I say my daughter keeps the place respectable by those great iron spectacles she wears.
70. The spectacles were sold at a price that most villagers couldn't afford, thus alienating the very people most at risk.
71. And her spectacles and peaked cap seem to add to the image of a beauty with brains.
72. A thin man wearing half-moon spectacles and a dark blue three-piece suit made his way over towards my board.
73. He gazed up at Cornelius through the unfractured lens of his spectacles.
74. The woman looked at me very closely over her spectacles.
75. His nervously elegant hand made a shaking bridge over the tinted spectacles, adjusting them without need on the nose.
76. He wore pince-nez spectacles, a round-ended stiff collar, and a moustache.
77. To attract crowds large enough to fill up the ornate space, big spectacles were de rigueur.
78. And these are just thoughts about the spectacles qua physical objects of a certain size and weight.
79. Of course it's just possible that she has poor eyesight - a woman like that would be too vain to wear spectacles.
80. Ask your partner to remove spectacles, earrings, necklaces or anything that may impede the massage.
81. And a short chubby woman with thick pebble-glass spectacles, Mary Dunn, mingled with the crowd.
82. He righted his spectacles which had been knocked askew and straightened his cloak.
83. Even an aid as commonly encountered as a pair of spectacles can be a focus for teasing.
84. She wore a flowered smock, and her spectacles hung round her neck on a cord.
85. It also wore a youthful face, the greater part of which lurked behind the thick pebbled spectacles of the seriously myopic.
86. Sweat had made my skin sticky, and had glued rivulets of sand to my spectacles.
87. The ceremony at Notre-Dame was one of the great royal spectacles of the sixteenth century.
88. These spectacles do provide quite different views on the official portrait of crime and criminals.
89. Who are these sad inadequates anyway but a consequence of looking at society through middle-class-tinted spectacles?
90. The spectacles left bright red marks which took some time to go away.
91. One of the lenses in his little academic spectacles had acquired a crack, giving him an oddly look.
92. The huge conglomerates that assemble on such occasions provide us with some of the greatest spectacles in the animal world.
93. I cannot see things through your spectacles.
94. Its typical quartzite topography features numerous natural spectacles.
95. People are looking at the past with rose-tinted spectacles.
96. Levin glowered over his spectacles.
97. The aurora is one of nature's most awesome spectacles.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. This television play looks at life through rose-coloured spectacles.
99. This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons.
100. Even his spectacles seemed to wear an ironical gleam.
101. We should see life through rose-coloured spectacles.
102. The headmaster would look opaquely at me through flashing spectacles. "What are we going to do with you?"
103. Spectacles ride his nose.
104. With his characteristic gesture O'Brien resettled his spectacles on his nose.
105. It is also the boldest effort yet by businessmen here to establish China as a global moviemaking powerhouse, one that can create big-budget English-language spectacles to rival those of Hollywood.
106. It is quite some time now since all spectacles crashed through the stupefaction barrier.
107. A lithe 35-year-old with a wispy goatee and oversized spectacles, he is in the forefront of a new generation of graphic designers who are trying to define a visual language for contemporary China.
108. He cannot fall, and he senses a figure in orange garments, with a clean-shaven head and large spectacles coming toward him.
109. I will do myself the justice to say, that I have never had any better opinion of the philosophies of all those philosophers, than of the spectacles of the grimacer of Tivoli!
110. He wore big blue spectacles with side lights , and had a bushy whisker over his coatcollar.
111. In recent weeks, the local media reported prominently the unedifying spectacles of a Singaporean money changer allegedly cheating hundreds of Chinese workers of their hard-earned savings here.
112. Radio can't dazzle us with visual spectacles, it has to capture and hold our attention aurally.
113. Of course, spectacles such as'stage hypnosis " for entertainment purposes have not disappeared.
114. Big media continue to view the situation through rose-tinted spectacles while consumers see red.
115. They say we tend to view the past through rose-tinted spectacles but it seems that is far from a universal rule.
116. The planetary alignment could cause you to see someone whom you badly want to believe in through rose-tinted spectacles.
117. Mrs. Pardiggle had been regarding him through her spectacles with a forcible composure.
118. a pair of spectacles.
119. Rose-tinted spectacles may be good for one's health, as these results fit in with wider ideas about how a tendency to look on the bright side of life is part of being resilient to stress.
120. His numerous scientific and practical innovations include the lightning rod , bifocal spectacles, and a stove.
121. Is spectacles for nearsighted persons eye mom be still the first lens very good?
122. I add, as the climax, that I have seen an Englishwoman dancing in a wreath of roses and blue spectacles.
123. It doesn't matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence – so long as they are quiet.
124. Life has not been easy for him; he still sees everything through rose-coloured spectacles.
125. A patient wears the spectacles frame, turn on the switch of the pulse diathermy machine, and then can be treated by oneself whether adults or children.
126. Capable of seating 50, 000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.
127. Aim To study the effect of wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles on phoria in the teenager nearsighted.
128. A roofless,(http:///spectacles.html) oval enclosure surrounded by tiers of seats that was used in antiquity for public spectacles.
129. This article introduces the operation method of retinoscopy optometry and prescription of spectacles.
130. A search of Cao's home in Morpeth, Northumberland, found trousers stained with Yang's blood and a watch and spectacles taken from the victims.
131. By the third day his eyes ached unbearably and his spectacles needed wiping every few minutes.
132. Conclusion: Safety lens of spectacles can protect the occurrence of ocular traumas.
133. It doesn't matter that the children watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence--so long as they are quiet.
134. Mr Bush had a simplistic tendency to see the world through ideological and partisan spectacles.
135. After srugery, patients must wear spectacles for correction of hyperopia too.
136. Microscopes hae been fitted out with spectacles that gie them better vision than eer before.
137. We have parted with the colt , and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases.
138. Numerous travelers head for Elk, and other north coast getaways, to enjoy the spectacles of nature.
139. No history of spectacles would be complete without some mention of Benjamin Franklin, who invented bifocals in the 1780s.
140. Conclusion Wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles will not increase the phoria degree in the teenager nearsighted.
141. The Northern Lights are effortlessly one of Earth's most visually striking natural spectacles.
142. The park supports a vast array of wildlife and is the setting for one of the world's greatest wildlife spectacles, the annual migration of up to 2 million wildebeest, zebra and other mammals.
143. Does myope wear spectacles for nearsighted persons to get online conduce to the radiate that reduces computer cross-eye eyeball ?
144. Her spectacles were propped up on her gray head for safety.
145. He resettled his spectacles thoughtfully, and took a pace or two up and down.
146. So dig my 2002 wardrobe: black turtlenecks, black bell-bottoms , Skechers2 hobnailed boots, tiny, mean spectacles and a shaved head.
147. The stranger's face was hidden by dark --- Blue spectacles and Bushy sidewhiskers.
148. Today, I spent $100 for deposit for a new pair of spectacles and clip-on shades, with the balance of $320 due next week when I collect.
149. It doesn't matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials and spectacles of sadism and violence-so long as they are quiet.
150. The old lady began to rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.
151. The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou produces more cigarette lighters and spectacles than anywhere on earth, and has long been seen as an economic trend-setter for the entire country.
152. He had beautiful skin, with rosy cheeks, blue eyes, rimless round bifocal spectacles, resting on the tip of his nose.
153. The optometrist will work out a pair of new spectacles to your satisfaction.
154. The spectacles for nearsighted persons that what facial expression bareheaded brings is good - looking?
154. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
155. Chu Fun, a popular 32-year-old morning-radio host, wears contact lenses for nearsightedness, but she wears glasses, too, choosing from among four pairs of lensless spectacles.
156. She was a lady in her fifties, with sensibly cut white-blonde hair and a pair of plastic-framed spectacles. There was about her a pervading air of kindness and motherliness.
157. He saw the Justice , a shabby , collarless, graying man in spectacles, beckoning him.
158. Objective : To develop a system for sampling the spectacles frame on automatic lens edger.
159. The sending and receiving sensors would be in the earpieces, as with present-day hearing-aid spectacles.
160. He was a tall man and wore steel - rimmed spectacles.
161. You know, the kids are exposed to rubbishy commercials and spectacles of violence.




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