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单词 scum
释义  scum /skʌm/ noun  1  [uncountable]LIQUID an unpleasant dirty substance that forms on the surface of water 〔液体表面的〕浮沫,浮渣,浮垢 a pond covered with green scum 漂满绿色浮沫的池塘2  [plural] informalBAD PERSON nasty unpleasant people 社会渣滓,人渣 Scum like that should be locked away! 像这种人渣应该关起来! People like that are the scum of the earth. 那种人是社会渣滓。 —scummy adjectiveExamples from the Corpusscum• Reduce heat and simmer slowly, uncovered, for 2 to 3 hours, skimming any scum that rises to surface.• This was a brown, evil-looking brew, topped by grey scum, with the taste and texture of fine silt.• See Igor slowly realize his dad is scum.• Why are cigar smokers cool and cigarette smokers scum?• soap scum on the bathtub• I don't want that scum coming back into my restaurant!• I see that the scum will be the live match in the next round of the cup, what a suprise.• Where scum settles on wetted surfaces in kitchens, it creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.the scum of the earth• You are lower than the scum of the earth.• It's open to the scum of the earth.Origin scum (1300-1400) Middle Dutch schumscum nounChinese  forms that Corpus unpleasant dirty an substance




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