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单词 scrumptious
释义  scrump·tious /ˈskrʌmpʃəs/ adjective informal  DELICIOUSfood that is scrumptious tastes very good 〔食物〕 美味的,可口的,顶呱呱的 SYN delicious a scrumptious chocolate cake 美味可口的巧克力蛋糕 That was absolutely scrumptious! 那东西好吃极了!Examples from the Corpusscrumptious• Just to add to the enjoyment, the hospitality at Urchfont is second to none, the food being quite scrumptious!• Why something so deceptively simple should taste this delicious, I have no idea, but it was absolutely scrumptious.• scrumptious cheesecakeabsolutely scrumptious• Why something so deceptively simple should taste this delicious, I have no idea, but it was absolutely scrumptious.Origin scrumptious (1800-1900) Probably from sumptuousscrump·tious adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus good very tastes is food scrumptious that




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