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单词 screen
释义  Related topics: Film, Television & radio, Daily life, Medicine, Household, Architecture, Sport, Computersscreen1 /skriːn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  television/computer 电视机/计算机 [countable]AMFAMT the part of a television or computer where the picture or information appears 屏幕,荧光屏 → monitor a computer with an 18-inch colour screen 带18英寸彩色屏幕的电脑 He went on staring at the TV screen. 他继续盯着电视屏幕看。on (a) screen Her picture appeared on the screen. 她的照片出现在屏幕上。 It’s easy to change the text on screen before printing it. 打印之前在屏幕上修改文本是很方便的。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A8 In the office 办公室里2  film 电影 a) [countable] the large white surface that pictures are shown on in a cinema 银幕,屏幕 He was horrified at some of the images he saw on the screen. 从屏幕上看到的一些图像让他感到很恐怖。 b) [singular, uncountable]AMF films in general 电影〔总称〕 This is the first time the play has been adapted for the big screen (=films). 这个剧本首次改编成电影。 a star of stage and screen (=the theatre and films) 戏剧、电影双栖明星on screen his first appearance on screen 他在电影屏幕上的首次亮相 a well-known screen actor 著名的电影演员3  movable wall 活动屏障 [countable]DM a piece of furniture like a thin wall that can be moved around and is used to divide one part of a room from another 屏风 There was a screen around his bed. 他的床围着屏风。4  STH that hides 遮蔽之物 a) [countable] something tall and wide that hides a place or thing 掩蔽物,屏障screen of The house was hidden behind a screen of bushes. 房子隐藏在一片灌木丛后。 b) [singular] something that hides what someone is doing 幌子screen for The business was just a screen for his drug-dealing activities. 公司只是他从事贩毒活动的幌子。5  test for illness 检查疾病 [countable] British English a medical test to see whether someone has an illness 〔医疗〕化验,检查 SYN American English screening The company is offering a free health screen to all employees. 这家公司为所有雇员提供免费体检。6. door/window 门/窗 [countable]DH a wire net fastened inside a frame in front of a window or door to keep insects out 纱门,纱窗7. church 教堂 [countable]AA a decorative wall in some churches 装饰性围屏;圣坛屏8. sports 体育运动 [countable]DS a player in a game such as basketball who protects the player who has the ball 篮球比赛等运动中的〕掩护队员 → smokescreen, sunscreenExamples from the Corpusscreen• The material from the iron mortar boxes was washed out on to a screen and the oversize returned to the stamps.• She was well-known as a star of stage and screen.• The company has recently introduced free health screening for all its employees.• The distinction between idea and expression has been applied in the context of screen displays.• There are various power conservancy options like three levels of screen brightness, and variable times for screen and disk power-down.• Conference-goers, though, brushed aside the news as a blip on the political radar screen.• I rediscovered them on the screen in the close-ups of objects which impressed and influenced me.• The example below uses a macro to pass a character to the screen or printer.• He also throws open the rear door, revealing a video screen.• If the images in Myst bog down your screen, pony up the bucks for more memory or a faster video card.on (a) screen• I think it was probably her anger on screen.• The image will seem to magically appear on screen from nowhere.• But Bergin surprises even himself with the intensity of evil charm he exudes on screen.• His responsibility is the picture - what goes on screen, what appears in front of the screen.• Burton did the job on screen as efficiently, one felt, as he would have done it in real life.• Print on a page is more seductive than print on a screen.• The user works on a screen simulating an A4 page split into panels.• There are few characters like Xena on screen, Lawless says.the big screen• We watched it on the big screen.• Louis to put up on the big screens.• Rosheen watched as Postine came into view on the big screen, her massive frame picked out in infra-red against the night.• Arnold Schwarzenegger, man of action and few words on the big screen.• Andrew himself is no stranger to the big screen and has featured in several commercials.• The only thing less suited to the big screen would be a movie set in a bomb shelter.Related topics: Hospital, Film, Television & radioscreen2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  test for illness 检查疾病MH to do tests on a lot of people to find out whether they have a particular illness 筛查,检查 All women over 50 will be regularly screened. 所有50岁以上女性都将定期接受检查。screen somebody for something It is now possible to screen babies for diabetes. 现在可以给婴儿作糖尿病筛查了。2  hide STH 隐藏某物HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE if something screens something else, it is in front of it and hides it 隐藏,遮蔽,隐蔽screen something from something A line of trees screened the house from the road. 一排树木把这幢房子遮蔽起来,从马路上看不见。3  film/television 电影/电视AMFAMT to show a film or television programme 放映〔影片〕;播放〔电视节目〕 The film is being screened around the country. 这部电影正在全国放映。 The match will be screened live on television. 这场比赛将在电视上直播。4  test employees etc 审查雇员等TEST/EXPERIMENT to find out information about people in order to decide whether you can trust them 审查,甄别〔看是否可以信任〕 Police are very careful when screening politicians’ bodyguards. 警方在审查政要保镖时非常仔细。 Applicants are screened for security. 申请人要接受安全审查。5  check things 检查物品 to check things to see whether they are acceptable or suitable 筛选,筛查 You can use an answerphone to screen your phone calls before you answer them. 你可以用电话答录机对来电进行筛选,选择要接听的电话。6 screen something ↔ off phrasal verb to separate one part of a room from the rest by putting a thin temporary wall or a curtain across it 把…隔开 The back part of the room had been screened off. 房间后部被隔开了。7 screen something ↔ out phrasal verb a) PROTECTto prevent something harmful from passing through 挡住〔有害物〕,把…隔开 SYN filter out Sun lotions screen out damaging ultraviolet light. 防晒霜可以隔离有害的紫外线。b) SUITABLEto remove people or things that are not acceptable or not suitable 剔除,清除〔不可接受或不合适者〕 SYN filter out An answering service can screen out nuisance calls. 应答服务可以挡掉骚扰电话。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusscreen• The film was under attack before it was even screened.• Because breast cancer is common in older women, we screen all women over 50.• Management has announced new procedures for screening applicants.• "Border War" is to be screened by Channel Four later on in the week.• If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV.• The house is screened from the road by a row of tall trees.• Spielberg's 1995 blockbuster is being screened on network TV for the first time tonight.• High up in the sky was a protective layer of gas that screened out dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun.• The human brain evolved to survive in such a world; it is stimulated by change and it screens out repetition.• They were selected by a screening panel of professional, business and community leaders.• In the back yard, a hedge neatly screens the vegetable plot.screen somebody for something• Doctors recommend that women over 50 be screened for breast cancer.screen ... calls• But do you mind if I connect the machine anyway, it screens calls.• But if you want some privacy, using one another way lets some people screen their calls.• She must be screening her calls.From Longman Business Dictionaryscreenscreen1 /skriːn/ verb [transitive]1HUMAN RESOURCES to test people or examine their past history to make sure that they are suitable for something, for example to work for a particular organizationApplicants for teaching posts must be carefully screened.screen somebody for somethingAll employees are screened for drugs.2to test or check something to make sure that it is suitable, does not break the law etcImported fish should be screened for disease.3to show a film or television programmeThe ad was screened late at night on Channel 4. —screening noun [uncountable]The agency offers a pre-employment screening service.the routine screening of milk for contaminants→ See Verb tablescreenscreen2 noun [countable]1the flat glass part of a computer or televisionThe customer’s account details are displayed on the screen.Of the two flat-screen models, the more expensive one was clearly better. → flat screen → touch screen2on screen on a computer screenIt’s easy to change the text on screen before printing it.Origin screen1 (1300-1400) Old French escren, from Middle Dutch schermscreen1 nounscreen2 verbChinese  the part Business Corpus computer television of or a




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