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单词 scrambler
释义  Related topics: Broadcasting, Telephone, telegraphscram·bler /ˈskræmblə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  TCBTCTa machine that mixes up a radio or telephone message so that it cannot be understood without special equipment 倒频器,扰频器〔用于扰乱无线电或电话信号,只有用特殊仪器才能识别〕Examples from the Corpusscrambler• I, apparently, am a scrambler.• There's noticeably less equipment hanging from a scrambler, but pound for pound there will be more fleecy material visible.• Some one invents a scrambler device so people can use their Cellnet phones without the opposition listening in.• Ben's greatest wish is that when he grows up, he becomes a professional scrambler.• But cost is holding back a rapid introduction of the scramblers.• She shrugged, went over to the bidet, washed herself and inserted her tiny scrambler.• The Navy had dispatched a portable KYX-2 field-unit scrambler.• Luckily for us scramblers, there is a group even further down the mountain social scale.scram·bler nounChineseSyllable  telephone mixes Corpus a radio or up machine that a




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