随便看 |
- westerneurope
- western front
- westernfront
- western-front
- the call of nature
- the call of something
- the call of sth
- the calm before the storm
- the camargue
- thecamargue
- the-camargue
- the cambrian mountains
- the-cambrian-mountains
- the cambridge certificate
- the-cambridge-certificate
- the campaign for nuclear disarmament
- the-campaign-for-nuclear-disarmament
- the campbell soup company
- the-campbell-soup-company
- the can
- the canaries
- thecanaries
- the-canaries
- the canary islands
- the-canary-islands
- Engage for
- Be attentive to
- Conics
- Indeterminateness
- Paraffin oil
- Counterpoised
- Lange
- Coumadin
- Windage
- Stillage
- 善为国者,赏不僭而刑不滥。赏僭则惧及淫人,刑滥则惧及善人。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善为士者》翻译与解读
- 善为天下者,计大而不计小,务德而不务刑,据安念危,值利思害
- 善为政者,刑先于贵,后于贱;重于贵,轻于贱;密于贵,疏于贱;决于贵,假于贱
- 善为政者,弊则补之,决则塞之
- 善为政者,防于未然,均其有无,省其徭役。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善为文者因事出奇,江河之行,顺下而已。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善举事若乘舟而悲歌,一人唱而千人和。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善举的意思,善举的近义词,反义词,造句
- 善之当为,如饮食衣服然,乃吾人日用常行事也。人未闻有以祸福废衣食者,而为善则以祸福为行止;未闻有以毁誉废衣食者,而为善则以毁誉为行止。惟为善心不真诚之故耳。果真果诚,尚有甘死饥寒而乐于趋善者。
- 善之本在教,教之本在师
- 善事难为,恶事易作
- 善于与不喜欢的人合作交友
- 善于从失败中学习
- 善于付出的人,往往受益最大
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- Nitroglycerine句子
- Have the pleasure of句子
- Tailed句子
- Just my luck句子
- Electroconvulsive therapy句子
- Barreled句子
- Great bear句子
- Theropod句子
- Sonorously句子
- Pimply句子
- Bath soap句子
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- Technical specifications句子
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