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单词 beloved
释义  be·lov·ed1 /bɪˈlʌvɪd/ adjective  LIKE somebody OR something literary or humorous loved very much by someone 钟爱的,挚爱的;宝贝的 He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter. 他一直没有走出失去爱女的阴影。 He’s always talking about his beloved computer! 他老是在谈论他的宝贝电脑!beloved of/by a book beloved of children everywhere 受各地儿童钟爱的一本书Examples from the Corpusbeloved• Tom's beloved 1965 Ford Mustang convertible• You know what your beloved Commies do when they take over, Griffiths?• George had no illusions about his beloved daughter.• There were his beloved grandparents and supportive aunts, who lived too far away to protect him from his pain.• Maybe it was time Anna faced reality and dealt with the truth about her beloved grandson.• But for once in her life, not even her beloved radio could distract her.beloved of/by• They do not fit their newly found knowledge into the neat compartments so beloved by academics.• I think he is beloved by Alice Fenwick, but does not see her devotion.• A glassy stone beloved by ancient toolmakers, obsidian was found only in two prehistoric spots in Arizona prior to the 1980s.• Steve Spurrier is too volatile, too aloof, to be beloved by any non-Gator.• The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.• One unfortunate maiden after another beloved of the gods had had to kill her child secretly or be killed herself.• They were rich also in flocks and beloved of the gods.• Contemporary locomotives are carved on their headstones, which also bear nauseating rhyming epitaphs of the kind so beloved by the Victorians.beloved2 noun  my/her etc beloved literary someone who is loved very much 我/她的挚爱 → dearly beloved at dearly(3)be·lov·ed1 adjectivebeloved2 nounChineseSyllable  very by Corpus loved someone much




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