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单词 schism
释义  Related topics: Christianityschis·m /ˈskɪzəm, ˈsɪzəm/ noun [countable, uncountable]  RRCthe separation of a group into two groups, caused by a disagreement about its aims and beliefs, especially in the Christian church 〔组织内由于目标、信仰上的分歧引起的〕分裂;〔尤指基督教的〕教会分裂 SYN split —schismatic /sɪzˈmætɪk, skɪz-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusschism• Wherever pentecostalism goes it evokes both joy and anger, gratitude and rejection, polemic 77 and schism.• However, an anticipated schism in party ranks failed to materialize.• In 1827, a fierce schism had shaken the Quaker community.• This second founding congress, however, was marred by an immediate schism.• Gradually I adjusted to the inner schism.• Much of the blame for the schism is generally attributed to Nikon, the overbearing prelate elevated to the Patriarchate in 1652.• The issues on which the schism turned have often seemed to Western scholars so insignificant as to be almost laughable.Origin schism (1300-1400) Old French cisme, from Late Latin schisma, from Greek, “division”, from schizein “to split”schis·m nounChineseSyllable  a the group separation into of Corpus two




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