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单词 bell
释义  Related topics: Daily lifeldoce_021_dbell /bel/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable]  1  DTa piece of electrical equipment that makes a ringing sound, used as a signal or to get someone’s attention 铃;电铃ring/press the bell He rang the bell and waited for someone to answer the door. 他按了门铃,等着有人来开门。5 She walked up the path and rang the door bell .她沿着小路走过去按响了门铃。n She pressed the bell for the nurse.a bell rings/goes The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom. 铃声一响,大家都冲出了教室。 →5  See picture of bell 响铃; cowbell 牛颈铃; doorbell 门铃; bicycle bell 自行车铃 →4  See picture of 见图 bell2  RDa hollow metal object like a cup with a piece of metal hanging inside it, that makes a ringing noise when it moves or you shake it 钟;响铃 church bells 教堂的钟3  give somebody a bell TCT British English spoken to telephone someone 给某人打电话 I must give Vicky a bell later. 我过一会儿必须给维基打个电话。4  CFsomething that is shaped like a bell 钟状物 the bell of a flower 钟状的花萼 → alarm bells ring at alarm1(5), → as clear as a bell at clear1(10), → ring a bell at ring2(4), → diving bell, doorbelln COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a hollow metal object like a cup with a piece of metal hanging inside it, that makes a ringing noise when it moves or you shake itverbsa bell ringsI could hear the church bells ringing in the distance.ring a bellHe was ringing a big brass bell.a bell rings out (=it rings loudly)The bells rang out to celebrate the end of the war.a bell soundsSomewhere across the valley a bell sounded.a bell chimes (=it rings a certain number of times, in order to tell you the time of day)The bells began to chime, calling people to church.a bell tolls (=it slowly rings with a long low sound, when someone has died)The church bell was tolling mournfully as the carriage entered the cemetery gate.a bell tinkles (=a small bell rings with a gentle high sound)We were sleeping under the stars, camel bells tinkling in a cool breeze.NOUN + bella church bellShe woke on Sunday morning to the sound of church bells (=rung when people marry in a church)Mark and Bridget seem very happy and we expect to hear wedding bells soon. phrasesa peal of bells (=the sound of bells being rung several times)From the temple he could hear the peal of bells.Examples from the Corpusbell• Attach a bell to the cat's collar to warn birds.• A lemon, a bell and a cherry.• It didn't ring any bells.• Past Four Court dominant as church bells.• She was just about to make some coffee, when the front door bell rang.• The guards and porters walked about, the bell was rung, the signal was given ad the train started off.• Raise the heat slightly and add the bell peppers.• When you hear the bell, stop writing.• She debated whether to sit down on the carpet for a while but shook herself and rang the bell.• The bell sounded to end the fight.• Add tomatoes, bell pepper and spice mixture and cook 1 hour.ring/press the bell• With her heart in her mouth she entered the imposing portals of Mon Ré, and rang the bell.• I went right up the front walk, mounted the porch steps and rang the bell, then rang it again.• The excitement of Cynthia's revelation had been too much for her and Cynthia now anxiously rang the bell for the nurse.• I rang the bell again, heard steps, and then the door was opened by Mrs Ahronson!• I rang the bell and heard steps on a hardwood floor.• You couldn't ring the bell or they would go mad.• The whole plastic notion of a pop star begins to ring the bells of truth.Origin bell Old English bellebell noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  equipment a that a of Corpus piece makes electrical ringing




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