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单词 sarcasm
释义  sar·cas·m /ˈsɑːkæzəm $ ˈsɑːr-/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  MAKE FUN OFa way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed 讽刺,挖苦 ‘Good of you to arrive on time, ’ George said, with heavy sarcasm (=very clear sarcasm). “你到得真准时啊。”乔治不加掩饰地挖苦道。hint/trace/edge/touch of sarcasm There was just a touch of sarcasm in her voice. 她的话音里含有一丝挖苦。Examples from the Corpussarcasm• After his rage and sarcasm, he had actually smiled at her.• Perhaps not a single transcript of his testimony goes unmarked by sarcasm, impatience, or outburst.• "How generous of you, " he drawled with heavy sarcasm.• Susie found his sarcasm very hurtful, but she didn't reply.• In her fits of lacerating sarcasm, I feel my hands twitch with the impulse toward strangulation.• I chose to overlook the edge of sarcasm, and I relaxed ever so slightly.• Not the faintest line of humour or tenderness, even of sarcasm, on his face.• Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice?• There was a tinge of sarcasm in his voice.• Today's comics are more lean, aggressive characters who rely heavily on sarcasm and politics for their laughs.• A lot of that sarcasm is just bravado, and if I can put up with his teasing, can't you?hint/trace/edge/touch of sarcasm• A touch of sarcasm, perhaps?• I-here was a faint touch of sarcasm in the reference to her son, and Archer knew it and had expected it.• I chose to overlook the edge of sarcasm, and I relaxed ever so slightly.• Roberts said with just a tiny edge of sarcasm.Origin sarcasm (1500-1600) French sarcasme, from Late Latin, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein “to tear flesh, bite your lip angrily, sneer”, from sarx “flesh”sar·cas·m nounChineseSyllable  writing way or speaking that Corpus of a




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