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单词 Apex
1 The king was at the apex of society.
2 He was at the apex of his career.
3 They are in partnership with Apex Software.
4 The Apex fare is just £200.
5 At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career.
6 At 41 he'd reached the apex of his career.
7 He reached the apex of power in the early 1930 s.
8 At the apex of the party was its central committee.
9 The Apex embodies all that's good about freestanding cookers.
10 The Apex fare is £195 return.
11 Apex Corp. has issued its annual sales forecast.
12 Elections may help produce the personnel at the apex of government but they tell us little about likely public policy.
13 As if this were an apex of this island, its source of gravitational pull.
14 As extractor fan fitted into the apex of the greenhouse at one end and controlled by a thermostat works efficiently.
15 Scheduled Apex return fare £127, 14 days advance booking, maximum stay three months, full economy fare £163.
16 The gods under the apex of each gable are some ten feet high, and all the figures well over life-size.
17 An experience of inner unity is the apex of the sports experience for many athletes.
18 There, under the apex of the roof, was a small window, open a few precious inches.
19 The current cheapest airline fare is the £249 Apex special which must be booked in advance.
20 Skinner was also given responsibility for liaising closely with the troika at the apex of Bush's re-election campaign.
21 There are two styles to choose from: the traditional apex, shown here, and the flat pergola top.
22 The middle manager may at one time be at the apex, at another in the middle.
23 Cousin Diana said as we approached and bumped hard over a rough apex of dirt road.
24 He taught her a position for sleeping that placed the forepart of her brain at the apex of a pyramid.
25 The blades of emersed plants are unlike those of E. macrophyllus,[] being ovate and incised at the apex.
26 It differs from the preceding variety in that the emersed leaves are pointed at the apex and are generally larger.
27 The Vesica piscis On the diameter of a circle an equilateral triangle is described centrally such that its apex just touches the circumference.
28 The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
29 Boots' two-for-the-price-of-one rail ticket offer; and plans to extend cheap Apex fares to all routes.
30 Mr. Jackson I know from my personal experience of the valuable work that Apex has been doing.
1 The king was at the apex of society.
2 He reached the apex of power in the early 1930 s.
31 Cameron Diaz plays the beauty who forms the apex of the triangle.
32 Injections should be placed into the apex of the sphincterotomy, avoiding the area around the pancreatic duct.
33 Within minutes of strapping myself in, I was chipping each apex and powering through like a seasoned track star.
34 And at the apex of this compromise is an absurdity.
35 And the handsome brown Apex for the warm tones of wood finish units.
36 Moais lie horizontally, vertically, even base over apex to make optimum use of the rock face.
37 Two long poles which cross as the apex and two shorter, hooped poles which provide height and stability to the ends.
38 He pays by apex or with his amex card.
39 At the apex of the pyramid comes Big Brother.
40 You have reached the apex of earthly honour.
41 This aspect law Riel is the apex master.
42 Stems glabrous or pilose; leaf blade apex acuminate.
43 He was at the apex of his fortunes.
44 Sepals obovate, apex rounded or obtuse.
45 Seeds numerous, ovoid, 3-4 mm, surface maculate, apex acute.
46 It has leaf primordia and a shoot apex.
47 Leaf blade more than 3 cm wide, apex acuminate.
48 The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky.
49 APEX tickets are usually not open.
50 Giant dermoid cyst of the petrous apex.
51 Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent.
52 Fig .7 Yellow apex stage, note intercellular channels.
53 The promeristem in the shoot apex consists of tunica, corpus and leaf primordium.
54 Now dominating products are: LED curing light, Apex locator, series of Dental adjust equipments.
55 The deaquation, melting, decomposing apex temperatures and water content of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate crystals were measured by DSC and TG techniques respectively.
56 The City of Light is the apex of architectural beauty, artistic expression, and culinary delight.
57 His election to the presidency was the apex of his career.
58 A racing car takes a corner in three stages - turn-in, apex and exit.
59 Most Ada compilers were either slow or ran on specialized hardware, such as Rational's RS/6000 with its APEX environment designed for Ada development.
60 Labellum white, white with purple lines, or yellowish white with purple or red apex.
61 The apex may be rounded, acuminate, or umbilicated as in eczema herpeticum.
62 Run at the apex because it is the most evenly balanced area of the road.
63 Labellum white with purple lines or yellowish white with purple or red apex.
64 Egypt capital Cairo, located at the Nile River delta apex south of 14 kilometers place, northing Mediterranean Sea 200 kilometers.
65 Methods 64 younger permanent teeth with underdeveloped apex and necrotic pulp were randomly selected.
66 Objective To explore the diagnosis and surgical treatment methods for petrous apex cholesterol granulomas.
67 Petiole 4-6 mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, apex obtuse to subrounded and with a retuse tip.
68 Lower glume separated by an internode; upper lemma glabrous at the apex .
69 The cable stays converge to a single point on the apex of the tower.
70 In the model, using APEX network extracts classification information and condenses vector space dimensions, making use of feedforward network establishes the classification recognition function.
71 "There were some innovative products, but no true blockbusters," said Robert Francello, head of equity trading for Apex Capital hedge fund in San Francisco.
72 Current year branchlets terete; leaf blade oblong, 9-12 cm, base rounded, apex acute.
73 Victory Day is an apex of glory to the history of Russian Federation.
74 The vegetative shoot apex in Rosa chinensis Jacq. has two layers of tunica cells.
75 Petals white, obovate, very small, apex acuminate, rarely 2-fid .
76 Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate.
77 Before and after tentorial incision, the exposed area of petrous apex area and the important microanatomy structure surrounding was measured and photographed.
78 Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.
79 Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex.
80 The general antennal structures are commonly seen within other chalcid wasps except for a specialized 'explore area' on the ventral apex of female antenna.
81 Transcranial approaches to the optic apex region were performed in 3 cadaver heads under operating microscope and endoscope.
82 Of the moderate group: the above indexes, except for the apex decentration distance significantly decreased at 12 months and more evidently at 18 months.
83 Culm sheath asymmetrical, one side smooth, the other rugate , apex with unequal rounded shoulders.
84 Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha, the conidiophore.
84 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85 In the same ovariole, yolk body's size showed smaller in the apex oocyte, and showed larger with a net shape in the terminal oocyte (closest to the oviduct).
86 Petals 5, pink or white, obcordate, clawed, connate and bearded at base, apex fimbriate .
87 AIM To evaluate the influence of pacing in right ventricular septum(RVS)and right ventricular apex(RVA)on pacing parameter and biventricular electrical synchrony.
88 Based on the principle of continuum on frame-shear wall, the basic period, the apex displacement and the most story drift angle are obtained, an optimum method is presented.
89 The zonal structure of shoot apex of vitreous plantlets appeared different from normal potted plants and normal plantlets in mainly aberration occurring in corpus and tunica .
90 Calyx segment margin denticulate or serrate, at least once near apex.
91 Enhancement biceps brachii, triceps brachii and pectoral muscle: Lying face downward, both hands supporting ground, leg apex supporting on stool surface, then making push-up.
92 Objective To explore the correlation between processus mastoideus and petrous apex pneumatization and high jugular bulb.
93 Margin of leaf blade sinuate; petals ovate-lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, apex acuminate.
94 The other is getting every nuclide activity and content by least square theory or the artificial neural network according to the response function of every characteristic apex energy.
95 The area farthest from the aperture and nearest the apex on a coiled gastropod shell.
96 The seeds treated by fluridone began to germinate after 10 days, and then the apex of the seedling radicle swelled and haustorium developed.
97 A single lionfish can reduce recruitment of other fish on a reef by a staggering 85 percent, and these apex predators are threatening both commercial fishing and tourism.
98 The City of Light is the apex of architectural beauty, artistic expression, and culinary delight, and it knows it.
99 Extending beyond the apex of a leaf , as a midrib or vein.
100 Samara glabrous; leaf blade surfaces smooth and glabrous with tufted hairs on veins, base oblique, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate.
101 Fig .3 Yellow apex stage, showing enlarged pectin cavity and chloroplasts, ribosomes disappeared.
102 There were no significant differences in fracture alignment, hip screw position, tip–apex distance, union rate, time to healing or complication rate.
103 Staminal column glabrous with anthers clustered at apex; anthers yellow and compact.
104 Apex? 1 reappears to Deltan graviton telemetry 0.6 billion km from Delta.
105 Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels tappering to the base , apex papillate.
106 Anthocarp clavate, 3 - 3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded.
107 Samara pubescent; leaf blade abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate.
108 From the apex of perfection hangs the loving Jesus crowned.
109 The hairs originated from the protoderm cells on the adaxial surface of the second leaf primordium from the shoot apex.
110 In alliance first 7 apex big vanguard's 4 in the Atlantic district, including, Brander, Landuofu.
111 Steven : You'll find Mr. Brian Taylor is a force to be reckoned with at Apex Trading.
112 Research on Stem - apex Meristem Culture and Rapid Reproduction Technology of Sweet Potato.
113 Antennae yellowish brown thinly clothed with grey pubescence, scape and 2nd segments dark reddish brown, apex of 3rd to 10th segments pitchy .
114 The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation.http://
115 Of or relating to a gastropod shell that coils clockwise and has its aperture to the right when facing the observer with the apex upward.
116 In tissue culture of 13 reptant chrysanthemum varieties, direct reproduction of stem apex and axillary bud showed the highest speed and heridity stability.
117 Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel nauseous.
118 For those who have an eye for the exquisitely done ultramodern, they will find that every detail in the hotel is a work of art and has reached the apex of design.
119 Methods Fifty adults(100 sides) skulls were measured by slide gaud, and observed course, situation and structure character of carotid canal in petrosal apex of temporal bone in 63 sides.
120 The analysis show that using the attached apex drogue during the deployment is beneficial to uniform tension force distribution of main parachute and inhibits the apex of canopy lateral swing.
121 After this corner there is another short straight before entering, the most difficult corner of this track, already popular with most of the drivers, which is the triple apex left hander of Turn 8.
122 Now, our dominating products are: LED curing light, Apex locator, series of Dental adjust equipments.
123 The vibration and sound radiation of a submerged spherical shell in the time-domain are studied by Laplace transform method, in which a pulse force is acted at the apex of the shell.
124 The apex flap deployment had a promising effect on the lift after stalling angle, but it had little effect on the drag.
125 Leaf blade oblanceolate, to 20 cm, apex obtuse or rounded.
126 Under the Jeffe - Fangandi training, the rocket already was the alliance apex defense team.
127 It seems that the position of highly concentrated Calmodulin in the extreme apex also prefigure the orientation of the hyphal .
128 Bracts lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, apex long acuminate, shorter than calyx. Corolla tube without hairy annulus inside.
129 Results: Taste buds were found in the epithelium of apex linguae and circumvallate papillae; the taste bud consisted of light cells and dark cells.
130 The patients with ICM were characterized by thin spherical apex of left ventricle with hypokinesis, regional wall motion and dilated aorta.
131 S3 . The third heart sound (S3, or ventricular gallop) is low-pitched and best heard at the apex with the stethoscope bell.
132 The algorithm to apex of polygon is a new one when layout stampings optimally.
133 An all - region DVD player such as Apex is strongly recommended.
134 Ring's diameter increases as we move away from the apex of the cone.
135 Seed nut like, oval like with apex exposed , grow within the succulent, cup - like aril.
136 In this experiment bud induction from shoot apex, bulblet induction from buds in vitro culture and flower bulb cultivation from bulblet in field were carried out in Asiatic hybrid lily.
137 Apex of ocrea usually with green leaflike wing; leaf blade 5-12 cm wide.
138 Margin of leaf blade sinuate ; styles 3–3.5 mm, slightly curved towards apex.
139 APEX BRAZIL works directly with business associations , co-financing export promotion projects ( up to 50 % ).
140 By deducing the wavelet transform, it is found that by fast convolution, the phase information can be obtained, by which the R-wave apex can be confirmed accurately.
141 There are two shedding modes along the slender axes when the angle of attack is very high. The Karman vortex shedding region is located in afterbody while the nose vortices region is near the apex.
142 The sigmoid mesocolon is a peritoneal fold attaching the sigmoid colon to the pelvic wall. The apex is divided near the left common iliac artery and series as a potential site for an internal hernia.
143 The right ventricular bands are in the inflow tract and the apex of the right ventricle, they mostly attach rhe interventricular septum and the anterior wall or the anterior papillary muscle.
144 AIM To the effects of pacing right ventricular septum and in right ventricular apex.
145 Calyx tubular, campanulate, or cup-shaped, apex truncate to deeply lobed, sometimeswithabaxial glands, leathery, falling with petals and stamens.
146 Spring was the real apex of the year; summer was bathos.
147 Congenital alar cartilage anomaly can result in flat apex and broad alar nose.
148 These channels are most common near the apex of the alluvial fan body.
149 Fruit an aggregate, spicate, 10-12 cm long; follicles long ellipsoid, obovoid or ovoid, apex obtuse or abruptly mucronate.
150 The regression coefficient between corneal power and the refractive error increased from apex to peripheral area.
151 Leaves alternate, sessile, terete, fleshy, base expanded, apex obtuse or aristate awned; leaf axil fascicular pilose.
152 Using box-counting dimension method, this paper investigated the spatial occupation ability of different branching patterns related to the fate of Larix chinensis apex buds.
153 The sigmoid mesocolon is a peritoneal fold attaching the sigmoid colon to the pelvic wall. The apex is divided near the left common iliac artery and serves as a potential site for an internal hernia.
154 Description: Terrestrial orchids ; pseudobulbs ovate , dark green or purple - red, one - leafed at apex.
155 Apex type was in 1 case,(http:///apex.html) the vein arose from the apex of the liver and drains into the internal thoracic vein.
156 Nuts ellipsoid to cylindrical, ca. 2 mm long, smooth, apex beaked.
157 This the digit apex predators as they erst again foregather head - to - head vying to rise on top.
158 Each of the ground potential unit and the opposite-pole potential unit has a power supply point at a taper apex of each conductor (13, 31).
159 Fig .4 Yellow apex stage, showing the normal and abnormal structure of mitochondria.
160 The threading position located at the point of intersection of median 1/3 and superior 1/3 of the line between extemal occipital protuberance and mastoid apex.
161 Her forehand technology has achieved the world apex contestant's ranks completely.
162 Using buds induction from shoot apex of Lilium Asiatic hybrids as the study on the induction of bulblets in tube and flower bulbs cultivation from bulblet in field.
163 The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.
164 Subshrubs, or woody stems specialized into tuberous caudex, or absent; anthers without appendage; leaves obtuse or acute at apex, sometimes with blunt spines.
165 Stock stout, forming an erect trunk sometimes up to 1 m tall, apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales.
166 Leaf blade 3- or 5- lobed , lateral lobes usually as long as central lobe, apex of lateral lobes caudate-acuminate.
167 Contributing to the beautiful composition, meteor streak and church apex both gesture toward the North Celestial Pole.
168 Up ahead, at the apex of a switchback, I see a young man sitting alone in a folding chair, miles from anywhere.
169 RESULTS: Under central occlusion, most stress of the attachment of the denture with single abutment was concentrated at the edentulous ridge, the distal and mesial apex of the abutment.
170 To reach the apex of one's potential, one has to accomplish smaller goals and build skyward.
171 Rotating the disc of the compound rest with an angle equal to half the apex angle of the cone.
172 This procedure does not involve any force pushing down the spinal column around the apex.
173 The apex of floral primordium caved in at the late stage.




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