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单词 salt
释义  Related topics: Cooking, Chemistrysalt1 /sɔːlt $ sɒːlt/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  [uncountable]DFC a natural white mineral that is added to food to make it taste better or to preserve it 盐,食盐 This might need some salt and pepper. 这里面也许要加点盐和胡椒粉。 a pinch of salt (=a very small amount) 一撮盐 Could you pass the salt? 递一下盐好吗?2. the salt of the earth GOOD/MORALsomeone who is ordinary but good and honest 世上的盐,地上的盐〔指普通但品行良好诚实的人〕3  take something with a pinch/grain of salt informalBELIEVE# to not completely believe what someone tells you, because you know that they do not always tell the truth 〔因某人不总是说实话而〕对某事半信半疑,有保留地相信某事 Most of what he says should be taken with a pinch of salt. 他说的大部分话都不可全信。4. [countable] technicalHC a type of chemical substance that is formed when an acid is combined with a base 盐〔酸和碱形成的化合物〕 → Epsom salts, smelling salts, old salt, → rub salt into the wound at rub1(6), → worth his/her salt at worth1(10)Examples from the Corpussalt• Inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and potassium iodide form eutectic mixtures with water.• Sprinkle the minimum amount of salt needed to lower the freezing point of water from slippery ice to safer mushy slush.• a pinch of salt• Try using fine sea salt as a scrub - this will help dry out blemishes naturally because it's slightly antiseptic.• They remove the hardness, and the former gives sodium salts instead of the calcium and magnesium salts.• Ashes and kitty litter also contain some salts, but their main use is as grit.• If you sprinkle salt over every meal, stop it!• He found that by giving the salt in low potency there was often an improvement in the patient's well-being.• Season the sauce with salt and pepper.pinch of salt• Water during a fast nauseated him and he accordingly would add a pinch of salt or bicarbonate of soda.• Add remaining coconut milk and a pinch of salt and simmer until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes.• Luckily a pinch of salt got rid of them, leaving behind a blood-stained sock.• I take all that fame with a pinch of salt.• Course Moira always has had a vivid imagination, you have to take what she says with a pinch of salt.• While the first statement is no doubt true, the second must be taken with a pinch of salt.• A pinch of salt in each bowl stops the mosquitoes breeding in the water.Related topics: Cooking, Foodsalt2 verb [transitive]  1  DFCto add salt to food to make it taste better 给〔食物〕放盐(调味) salted peanuts 盐花生2  (also salt down)DF to add salt to food to preserve it 用盐腌制〔食物〕salted pork/meat/fish 腌制的猪肉/肉/鱼 The meat is salted to store it through the winter. 肉用盐腌着以存放一冬。3. TTRto put salt on the roads to prevent them from becoming icy 〔为防止结冰〕撒盐于〔道路上〕4 salt something ↔ away phrasal verb SAVE MONEYto save money for the future, especially dishonestly by hiding it 储蓄,把…存起来〔尤指不诚实地把钱私存起来〕 She salted the money away in a secret account. 她偷偷把钱存在一个秘密账户里。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussalt• Salt acts as a preservative in butter; sweet butter is more perishable than salted butter and is usually priced higher.• The taste is slightly salted and the texture is crumbly, yet creamy.• She walked across the scuffed floors toward the cupboard and pulled out several packages of tamarind candy and salted plums.• Private expert and government scientist could have planned the whole thing together, hired their accomplices, salted the mine.• Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water.salted pork/meat/fish• We had dried fruit and salted meat, and big pots to keep water in.• There was a big box of food - rice, and salted meat, and hard ship's bread.• Inside, his father Clayt was forking salted fish into barrels from the baths.• Salted meat or salted fish only three times a week maximum. 2.• And cut down on crisps, salted meat, salted fish and processed canned foods.Related topics: Foodsalt3 adjective [only before noun]  1  DFpreserved with salt 用盐腌制的 salt pork 腌猪肉2. salt water HCCDNwater that contains salt, especially naturally in the sea 海水;咸水;盐水3  HCCconsisting of salt water 由咸水形成的 a salt lake 咸水湖Examples from the Corpussalt• Unfortunately the water is salt and the oil is largely gone.• Put enough eggs to cover a piece in a small container of salt solution.• We waded ashore coughing up salt water and drenched to the skin.• The tucuxi is one of the few dolphins to be found in both fresh and salt waters.nSALT /sɔːlt/  n1.(Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) talks between the US and the former Soviet Union, which aimed to reach agreement about limiting the number of nuclear weapons that each country kept. Two SALT Treaties (=official agreements) were signed: SALT I (1972) and SALT II (1979). → compare STARTOrigin salt1 Old English sealtsalt1 nounsalt2 verbsalt3 adjectiveSALTLDOCE OnlineChinese  that added food natural white mineral is Corpus a to




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