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单词 safely
释义 Word family  noun safe safety adjective safe ≠ unsafe adverb safely  safe·ly /ˈseɪfli/ ●●○ adverb  in a way that is safe 安全地,无危害地 Drive safely! 安全行驶! I think we can safely assume that she will pass the exam. 我想我们可以确信她会通过考试。Examples from the Corpussafely• Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to be sure of travelling safely.• Quick of eye and sure of foot, she reached the other side safely.• The country lacked the technology to store the waste safely and it was threatening water supplies.• Once we were safely back on shore, we checked the boat for damage.• All of them had safely negotiated Becher's for the second time.• If Galileo gets safely off the pad, that will improve the odds considerably.• He won the general in a landslide because he ran in a safely Republican district against a delusional Democrat with no campaign.• Although if I had, I can safely say that the last thing I would be doing is running for president.• While security forces worried about getting him safely to the Capitol, Lincoln already had ridden there to get some bills·ly adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus a safe that in is way




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