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单词 rosé
释义  Related topics: Drinkro·sé /ˈrəʊzeɪ $ roʊˈzeɪ/ noun [countable, uncountable]  DFDpink wine 玫瑰红葡萄酒Examples from the Corpusrosé• Anjou, both rosé and white, comes from the Loire near Angers.• There's also a delicious rosé.Related topics: Plants, Gardening, Colours, Toolsrose1 /rəʊz $ roʊz/ ●●● S3 noun  1  flower 花 [countable]HBPDLG a flower that often has a pleasant smell, and is usually red, pink, white, or yellow, or the bush that this flower grows on 玫瑰;蔷薇 a dozen red roses 一打红玫瑰 A large bouquet of roses arrived on her desk. 一大束玫瑰送到了她的桌子上。 rose bushes 玫瑰丛 →4  See picture of 见图 rosé →5 see picture at 见图 flower12. colour 颜色 [uncountable]CC a pink colour 玫瑰色,玫瑰红3  something is not a bed of roses  (also something is not all roses British English) informalPROBLEM if a job or situation is not a bed of roses, it is not always pleasant and there are difficult things to deal with 某事不尽如人意,某事并非事事顺利 It’s no bed of roses teaching in a secondary school. 中学可不好教啊。4. put the roses back in somebody’s cheeks British English informalHEALTHY to make someone look healthy again 使某人恢复健康的气色5. be coming up roses informalSUCCESSFUL to be happening or developing in the best possible way 一帆风顺6  come out of something/come up smelling of roses informal to do well or get an advantage from a situation, when you could have been blamed, criticized, or harmed by it 保持清白 She managed to come out of the deal smelling of roses. 她把自己洗脱得干干净净。7. for water 供水 [countable] British EnglishDLGTZ a circular piece of metal with holes in it that is attached to the end of a pipe or watering can so that liquid comes out in several thin streams 〔水管或洒水壶上的〕莲蓬式喷嘴Examples from the Corpusrose• She could see Alison's roses and felt them to be a rebuke.• And thank you for the roses.• Another very successful collection of my pictures has been made by a lady who is very keen on yellow roses.rose bushes• She did not want a small army camping indefinitely among her flowerbeds and rose bushes.• Then, a little higher, it surprised them, suddenly unveiling green pasture and rose bushes with delicate pink blossom.• Inside, the complex is immaculate, with neatly trimmed shrubs and rose bushes lining each building.• But the best were his rose bushes, a type you don't often see now.• I thought the rose bushes were beautiful, too.• I made a picture from the same flowers to show what the rose bushes would yield the following summer.rose2 verb  x-refthe past tense of rise rise的过去式Examples from the Corpusrose• At the height of the storm it rose about 3m, tearing the vegetation from islands, hurtling through trees.• The scrim rose and the boy relived his life with them.• Somehow she rose over her excitement, though, and concentrated all she could on the task at hand.• They rose sharply, for example, during the eruption of Monte Nuevo in 1538.• Before him, right there, rose the great bowl of Yankee Stadium.Related topics: Coloursrose3 adjective  CCpink in colour 玫瑰色的,粉红色的 rose velvet curtains 玫瑰色天鹅绒窗帘Examples from the Corpusrose• Fortunately rose rust doesn't occur very often, but when it does it can be a killer.• Jezrael could still see the lights of sunflowers strung out like mercury on rose satin.• The western porch below, surmounted by its rose window, is sculptured.Origin rosé (1800-1900) French “pink”, from rose “rose” rose1 Old English Latin rosaro·sé nounrose1 nounrose2 verbrose3 adjectiveChineseSyllable  pink Corpus wine




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