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单词 rope
释义  Related topics: Material & textilesldoce_288_crope1 /rəʊp $ roʊp/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]TIM very strong thick string, made by twisting together many thinner strings 绳,粗绳,绳索,缆 They tied a rope around my waist and pulled me up. 他们在我腰间系了一根粗绳子,把我拉了上去。 The man was coiling a length of rope. 那人正在卷一段绳子。 →5  See picture of rope 粗绳, string 细绳, thread 线2  the ropes [plural] a) all the things someone needs to know to do a job or deal with a system 〔干某项工作的〕诀窍;窍门 I spent the first month just learning the ropes. 第一个月我只是熟悉了情况。 He works repairing streets, and knows the ropes when it comes to safety. 他是修路的,讲到安全,他很在行。 Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions. 麦金利小姐会教你怎么做,并解答你的所有问题。 b) the rope fence that surrounds an area used for boxing or wrestling 〔拳击或摔跤场地四周的〕围绳,圈绳3  be on the ropes informalBEAT/DEFEAT to be in a very bad situation, in which you are likely to be defeated 濒于失败,走投无路 The army says the rebels are on the ropes. 军方说叛军已经走投无路。4  be at/near etc the end of your rope especially American EnglishFINISH/USE ALL OF something to have no more patience or strength left to deal with a problem or a difficult situation 忍无可忍;计穷力竭 My son is causing endless problems, and I’m close to the end of my rope. 我儿子没完没了地惹麻烦,我快要忍无可忍了。5  give somebody some/enough etc rope FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANTto give someone a lot of freedom to do something in the way they want to do it 给某人一些/足够等的自由 Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates. 经理人员必须决定应该给下属多少自由。6. give somebody enough rope to hang themselves FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANTto give someone freedom to do what they want to do, because you think they will cause problems for themselves and you want them to look stupid 任由某人自作自受,听任某人自取灭亡7. a rope of pearls DCJpearls on a string, worn around your neck as jewellery 〔用作项链的〕一串珍珠 → jump rope, skipping rope, tightrope, towrope, → money for old rope at money(17)Examples from the Corpusrope• She lowered the basket on a rope.• To his left three guards had taken the strain on a rope that ran tight and stretched to the building.• The referee patrols the bandaged ropes, dapper in his black bow tie.• He asked my permission to use new rope because we were desperately short of traditional rope.• They used a piece of rope to tie the clerk up.• Right up the sides of them, without a ladder or rope or funny boots.• Then he ran up the rope of the alarm bell.• Any slip is then immediately transmitted up the rope and braked by those above.• We dared leave the leeboards no more than half way down, with ropes and guys rigged to relieve the sideways pressure.rope2 verb [transitive]  1  [always + adverb/preposition]TIE to tie things together using rope 〔用绳索〕捆,绑rope something to something Suitcases were roped to the top of the car. 手提箱用绳子固定在车顶上。rope somebody/something together Mountaineers rope themselves together for safety. 为了安全,登山者用绳子把彼此连在一起。2  American EnglishTA to catch an animal using a circle of rope 用绳套捕捉〔动物〕 The calves are roped and branded. 用绳套捉住牛犊后将其打上烙印。3 rope somebody into something (also rope somebody ↔ in British English) phrasal verb informal to persuade someone to help you in a job or join in an activity, especially when they do not want to 劝说〔尤指不愿意者〕帮忙[参加]rope somebody into doing something Denise roped me into selling tickets. 丹尼丝拉我去卖票。rope somebody in to do something Anyone who could sing was roped in to help. 凡是能唱歌的人都被拉去帮忙了。 Have you been roped in too? 你也被拉进去了?4 rope something ↔ off phrasal verb AROUND/ROUNDto surround an area with ropes, especially in order to separate it from another area 用绳把〔某一区域〕围起来,用绳分隔 The stairs were roped off. 楼梯用绳子拦了起来。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrope• I had always wanted to learn how to rope a calf.• Suddenly I was climbing up the long ladder of the North pier, the rucksack being roped afterwards.• They blindfolded Mrs Dyer, roped her neck, and expected her to recant.• Probably because it was a way of roping him in for the future, Malcolm invited him down to a few rehearsals.• Miss Gater had turned up, expecting to see Sylvia Toye, but was roped in to discuss Hayley's problem.• Customers are being roped into the distributed company just as fast.• At 8.00 we stopped at the foot of the Cavales Ridge and roped up.rope somebody/something together• Team members roped themselves together to climb up the mountain.Origin rope1 Old English raprope1 nounrope2 verbChinese  string, very Corpus thick by made strong




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