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单词 ripen
释义  Related topics: Plantsrip·en /ˈraɪpən/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  HBPto become ripe or to make something ripe (使)成熟 The apples were ripening on the trees. 树上的苹果都熟了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusripen• The Jet Stars were always the first to bloom and ripen.• The trees grow wild along the riverbanks and are harvested between January and June as the fruits ripen.• Strawberries do not ripen after picking.• They contain more moisture than other ripened cheeses.• Pesso means to bake, ripen, ferment or digest.• I think of it as the colour of ripened grain made audible.• The curd for cheeses to be subsequently ripened is formed with starter and a milk-clotting ingredient.• Fruits ripened on the vine are tasty but soft and difficult to transport.• Honeydew melons ripen slowly and will often keep up to a month, but smaller varieties will take less time to·en verbChineseSyllable  make to something become or ripe Corpus to




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