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单词 rigmarole
释义  rig·ma·role /ˈrɪɡmərəʊl $ -roʊl/ (also rigamarole American English) noun [singular, uncountable]  CONFUSEDa long confusing process or description 繁琐复杂的过程;冗长杂乱的描述 I don’t want to go through the rigmarole of taking him to court. 我可不想走那些繁琐的程序去起诉他。Examples from the Corpusrigmarole• Or do you go through a rigmarole of inserting diaphragms or taking pills?• It was a rigmarole, a muddled torrent of words, not easy to follow and yet startling.• The entire rigmarole, I realised, was just a charade.• The nightly rigmarole of getting her settled is finally over.• No, she'd only have to go through the same rigmarole to get out.• Going through that rigmarole wouldn't protect what we have at all.• We had to take a day off work to go through the rigmarole of getting state ID cards.• After all this rigmarole, they were to write a story to fit the words and pictures they had chosen.• None of this rigmarole had occurred to him before he spoke.Origin rigmarole (1700-1800) ragman roll “document containing a long list, used in a game called "ragman"” ((15-18 centuries))rig·ma·role nounChineseSyllable  or long Corpus a process confusing description




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